I'm happy to announce the availability of GNU Gatekeeper 4.1.
This is mainly a bug fix release. If you are using GnuGk as a server in
a traversal zone or if you do H.239 presentations with Avaya endpoints,
you are strongly encouraged to update. This version also fixes a memory
leak that mainly affects long running gatekeepers with a lot of RAS
traffic. Some of the bugs were long standing, so if you skipped some
previous releases, this is really a good time to update.
The main new feature in this release is expanded LUA support.
Besides LUA authentication and LUA routing, there is now a LuaAcct
module that allows you to run a script on every accounting event of your
choice. Please see the updated manual for details.
You can download the new version from
Please see the full change log attached to the end of this mail.
My support website https://www.willamowius.com also got a face lift.
Please check it out as well.
Jan Willamowius, Founder of the GNU Gatekeeper Project
EMail : jan(a)willamowius.de
Website: http://www.gnugk.org
Support: http://www.willamowius.com/gnugk-support.html
Relaxed Communications GmbH
Frahmredder 91
22393 Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Jan Willamowius
HRB 125261 (Amtsgericht Hamburg)
USt-IdNr: DE286003584
Changes from 4.0 to 4.1
- BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) fix crash processing Setup
- BUGFIX(RasSrv.cxx) update IP/port of traversal neighbor on every SCI,
not only on IP changes
- new status port command: PrintNeighbors
- BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) fix H.239 inside multiplePayloadStream from
Avaya XT5000 with H.460.19
- new accounting module: LuaAcct
- LUA: new library "gnugk" to allow access to GnuGk functionality
- BUGFIX(configure) set all detected options in gnugkbuildopts.h on Unix
- BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) removing H.235 capabilities might have
skipped items
- BUGFIX(lua.cxx) initialize all LUA variables for LUA routing
- status port configuration (MaxStatusClients, StatusEventBacklog,
StatusEventBacklogRegex) now changable at runtime
- BUGFIX(GkStatus.cxx) fix StatusEventBacklogRegex for patterns that
start at the beginning of the event line
- BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) use RealPresence Group 0-Byte keep-alive for
IgnoreSignaledH239PrivateIPs (needs LARGE_FDSET to work)
- new switches to set database connect and read timeout (only used by
MySQL for now)
- new switch to set worker thread idle timeout: [Gatekeeper::Main]
- BUGFIX(gk.cxx) better test for gatekeeper shutdown
- BUGFIX(Routing.cxx) fix fromIP for ARQ and LRQ RouteRequests
- BUGFIX(gkauth.cxx) only call Q.931 checks when activated
- BUGFIX(Routing.cxx) fix RouteRequest from unregistered caller who
doesn't provide any alias
- new switch: [RoutedMode] DisableSettingUDPSourceIP=1