I would also like to be included on the call.
Michele Bozier
Michele Bozier
Principal Development Engineer
Madge Networks, Wexham Springs, Framewood Rd, Wexham,
Slough SL3 6PJ, England
Tel: +44(0)1753 661331 Fax: +44(0)1753 661011
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Reid [mailto:mreid@VIDEOSERVER.COM]
Sent: Friday, October 16, 1998 9:53 PM
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to invite you to participate in an audio call, Tuesday October
20th from 11AM to 1PM EST to discuss our work plan for the study of gateway
decomposition as outlined in TD 89 (WP2).
The goals of the audio call will be to identify what work items we need to
completed and in what order should we attack them. Once we have an agreed to
work plan, we can talk about building an architecture document and the
specific requirements of each interface.
As a place to start the discussions, I think we need the following
(referenced to TD 89):
New Protocols:
Interface A - Device Control Interface
New H.246 Annexes:
1) H.323 to Voice/Voiceband Terminals = The breakdown of the media. How DTMF
is converted to/from UserInputIndication messages, etc. (There is a draft of
this in the current H.246 Annex B)
2) H.323 to SS7 (Similar to Q.699 - a Q.931 to ISUP conversion spec)
3) H.323 to Q.931 (Similar to the section in Annex A for H.320)
Interface B, C, D
For the Proposed Interfaces B, C, and D. Given that the messages passing
across these interfaces must reflect all of the content of the signaling
that the respective signaling functions receive from and send to extern
entities, aren't these protocols modified or extended ISUP for Interface D,
modified or extended Q.931 for Interface C, and modified or extended H.225
for Interface B? For C & D, can they be the real protocols if carried on a
T1 and some derivation of them if running over TCP/IP?
Please try and get all attendee requests in by Monday the 19th at 12:00 Noon
EST so that I can make the proper arrangements. I will send port assignments
later that day. Here is a summary of attendees so far:
1) G. Thom
2) S. Nayak
3) R. Badri
4) P Kallur
5) K. Hedayat
6) R Spitzer
7) R Chopra
8) A Amir
9) R Even
10) H Liu
11) J Yeh
12) R Radhika
13) B Bell
14) T Taylor
15) G Freundlich
16) M Reid/B Hill/G Kajos
All comments welcome,
Mark Reid
Bryan Hill