Firstly, I hope that the mechanism for encoding the HMAC is well
understood, and the reason for using HMAC-SHA1-96 (RFC-2404).
Secondly, the decoding:
The message which arrives is a bucket of bits, inside a TPKT. (It would be
nice to have something in the TPKT to tell us whether the message contained
is encrypted, but it doesn't. :-( ) If it's encrypted, assume you can tell
and decrypt it. This is what the HMAC has been calculated over, with the
HMAC field set to zeroes.
Decode the message and extract the HMAC from the data tree. This bit string
occurs in the message where the HMAC is stored, and it is a random pattern
produced by the HMAC function of the sender - it is *very* unlikely to
occur in the message more than once.
Search the message for the bitstring, if you don't find it, check your
source code and PER decoder. To be safe, copy the message to a buffer, set
the located bitstring to zero in the copy, and compute the HMAC. If it
matches, the message is OK.
If the HMAC does not match, search from the previously located bitstring
plus one. If you get a second match - copy, zero-fill, compute-HMAC and
compare as before. Repeat until you get to the end of the message or match
the HMAC.
No re-encoding of the message is required, nor is it desirable. Apart from
retrieving the HMAC from the message, the HMAC location and recomputation
is completely independent of whether the message is RAS or Annex G, much
less which version. Hence it is completely version-safe.
For non-repudiation, you must use public-private key pairs and
certificates. The message is signed by computing the HASH as above, and
then encrypting that hash with the private key.The receiver computes the
HASH as before, decrypts with the public key, and compares the result. If
they match, the message is OK, and was created by the holder of the private
If a proxy is to change components, then the proxy will have to recompute
the MAC (keyed or signed) using its own credentials. In this case it is the
proxy that is attempting to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of the
message, so the EP MAC is destroyed.
If you want to just authenticate just a few fields, so a proxy/firewall can
change parts of the message, and the other endpoint can check the few, it
is best to compute the authentication code on the unencoded fields. This
can be done in a hashed CryptoToken, with the hashed values included or not
in the CryptoToken. Extreme care must be taken to ensure that the rules for
encoding the ToBeHashed are well specified.
At 19:08 1999-09-20 +0200, Euchner Martin wrote:
>first of all, I'm glad to see a very interesting and fruitful discussion
here. Thus, I would rather carry on these specific topics about the syntax
and procedures on the SG16 discussion list and hear also other people's
opinions about that.