
  • 5804 discussions
Re: [wg5-3: 3592] H.323 annex D
by ç‘º •Û•¶ 07 May '01

07 May '01
Call for Participation: NOSSDAV 2001
by Henning Schulzrinne 06 May '01

06 May '01
by Rogelio SIlva (CVS) 06 May '01

06 May '01
DRQ and pre-granted ARQ
by Francois Audet 05 May '01

05 May '01
Re: Emergency Services and Service classes
by Roy, Radhika R, ALCOO 03 May '01

03 May '01
Re: Emergency Services and Service classes
by Roy, Radhika R, ALCOO 03 May '01

03 May '01

03 May '01

03 May '01