In reading H.235, it seems to be vary vague with regards to how to setup
encryption profiles. Also, I see no mention of other crypto algorithms
such as Blowfish. To me, the H.235 support for encryption seems too
complicated for something that should just needs to exchange keys and
In developing our H.323 stack, we decided to use SSL and a couple of
simple non-standard parameters to provide the key exchange and algorithm
negotiation. The reasons we did this was because:
[View More] 1.) Crypto can be negotiated within the Setup and Connect messages,
2.) We wanted something that would work without an H.245 channel
(H.323 Annex F implementation for example), and
3.) We could not find any H.323 products that supported crypto
that we needed to be compatible with in the short term.
So, unless there are any objections, I propose we add 2 parameters to
the H.225 Setup and Connect messages:
cryptoAlgorithm CryptoAlgorithm
CryptoAlgorithm would then be defined as:
CryptoAlgorithm ::= CHOICE
Triple-DES NULL,
Blowfish NULL,
The cryptoKey would be the raw binary data for the key as the algorithm
accepts. Since the program would know the length of the octet string, it
could calculate the number of bits, if needed.
Other algoritmhs could be added. We should probably set a requirement
that all crypto-capable endpoints be able to use one of the above
algorithms, to increase the chances of making a secure call. I would vote
for Blowfish, but I'm not going to go against the majority if something
else wins.
Hopefully, I have explained this clearly. I think it's about time we
came up with a simple solution that is easy to add new algorithms rather
than having to use profiles. Our stack has employed essentially this same
technique with non-standard parameters, and it has proved very efficient
and stable. Plus, it's about time more H.323 endpoints support crypto
since the regulations have been relaxed in the U.S.
Any comments/flames?
[View Less]
I'm a student doing some research about VC for the University libre de Bruxelles. My thesis is about a statement of the different uses of VC. The questionnaire is very easy to fill in (it takes 5 '). I'll let you know about the report once I've done it.
Thanks for your help,
Grégory DUEZ
stagiaire - ULB
tél: 071/60 02 59
e-mail : gregoryduez(a)
Questionnaire :
1) Why do you use videoconference for ?
2) Since how long have you been using videoconference ?
[View More]
3) The type of material ? (hardware+software+accessories)
4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of VC ?
5) Don't you have any remarks ?
6) Don't you have any useful contacts (e-mail) of people using VC ?
(or you can also forward them this e-mail)
7) Name and activites of your company
Thanks for your help !
[View Less]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lyons, Terry
> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 4:47 PM
> To: imtch323implementors(a)
> Cc: ITU-SG16(a)echo.jf.INTEL.COM; Lyons, Terry
> Subject: Question about "packet-based network originated call"
> Is this restriction of H.225.0 enforceable?
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Numbering plan identification (octet No. 3, bits 1-4)
> - Encoded following the …
[View More]values and rules of Table 4-11/Q.931. A
> number in the form of a dialed digit string should be coded as '0000'
> Unknown. If set to '1001' (Private Numbering Plan) in a packet-based
> network originated call, this indicates that:
> 1) the dialed digit string is not present in Setup; and
> 2) the call will be routed via an alias address in the
> User-user information.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> 1. How can one tell if it's a "packet-based network originated call"?
> All H.323 Setups of practical interest are carried over a packet-based
> network, ie. IP,
> but did they originate there or were they gatewayed from a circuit-based
> network?
> Or is the quoted phrase trying to make some other distinction?
> 2. Talk of the dialed digit string and routing seems to fit best
> Called Party Number.
> However, the passage reproduced above comes from Calling Party
> Number.
> - TLyons(a) +1 732 625-3003 ext 212
[View Less]
Dear Mr. Vivek Bhargava,
>I have uploaded the H.323 Series Implementer's Guide as H323SeriesIG.doc to
>the Incoming directory at the Pictel server.
>Please make it available as an approved document for the February 2002,
>Geneva meeting.
Now it is available at /0202_Gen directory.
Best regards,
Global Information and Telecommunication Institute (GITI)
Waseda University
29-7 Waseda University Bldg.
1-3-10 …
[View More]Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
169-0051 Japan
e-mail: okubo(a)
Tel: +81 3 3204 8194
Fax: +81 3 5286 3832
[View Less]
I have uploaded the following documents:
pl-029_H.248M_6_InactivityTimer.doc (Consented) (approved)
to the SG16 draft server at:
They should soon be moved to:
Note that since all Implementors Guide items applying to H.248 and
Annexes A-E were swept into H.248V1Coregengum and H.248V2, this
ImplementorsGuide only contains items applying to other Annexes. New
[View More]corrections to H.248v1 or v2 will be added to this document in future
Terry L Anderson
Tel:908.582.7013 Fax:908.582.6729
Lucent Technologies/INS/Voice Over IP Access Networks
Rm 2B-121, 600 Mountain Av, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 (Lucent internal)
[View Less]
G'Day all,
I have uploaded to the following Geneve outputs:
Regards, Christian
Dear SG16 experts,
I have moved all the files at /Incoming to /0202_Gen directory.
using browser
using ftp tool
Using this opportunity, can I ask the following?
1) to Rapporteurs and Editors
Please upload the output documents for the Geneva meeting last two weeks to
/Incoming. Mr. Tosco's WP2 report is already available as
/0202_Gen/ Please note again that the …
[View More]PictureTel site
is not to mirror the ITU TIES site, but used for the benefits of experts
based on the voluntary efforts of the contributors. Post an announcement at
the reflector when you have uploaded your document.
2) to everybody
Please refrain from using space in your file name when you upload a file at
/Incoming. Use of _ is suggested. It eases file manipulation such as zip
and move.
3) to Q5 Rapporteur and Editors
I found several mobility related files at /Incoming. Please advise me if
some of them are working documents thus can be deleted.
Best regards,
Global Information and Telecommunication Institute (GITI)
Waseda University
29-7 Waseda University Bldg.
1-3-10 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
169-0051 Japan
e-mail: okubo(a)
Tel: +81 3 3204 8194
Fax: +81 3 5286 3832
[View Less]
Here is the relevant passage from the Dublin meeting report:
AVD-2152 - Metrology proposal for Multimedia [France Telecom]
The contribution was discussed and it was agreed that the proposals,
particularly those on modelling bursty packet loss should be incorporated
into the draft of H.mmclass.
An editing group met to produce a first draft of H.mmclass. This is
contained in TD-31 and was presented and agreed by the meeting.
-----Original Message-----
From: Freytsis, Ilya [mailto:ifreytsis@…
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 6:47 PM
To: ITU-SG16(a)echo.jf.INTEL.COM
Subject: avd-2152
Could anybody tell me if any further work was done to follow this AVD
submitted for the meeting in Dublin? Was it discussed in Dublin? Thank you.
Ilya Freytsis
Principal Engineer
Cetacean Networks Inc.
ph. (603) 766-6065
fax (603) 766-7190
[View Less]
Dear SG16 experts,
We have just finished the SG16 meeting in Geneva.
I have placed the following report of Working Party 2 that Mr. Tosco and
Rapporteurs generated at the Incoming directory of the PictureTel ftp site.
It will be moved to /0202_Gen without notice. So please find it either at
/Incoming or /0202_Gen.
using browser
using ftp tool
It …
[View More]consists of the following six files:
Report Part I 2.02r.doc -- report of the discussions
Rep. Part II 2.02r.doc -- list of documents for consented/approved
Liaison statements 2.02r.doc -- liaison statements to be sent out
Meetings Rep 2.02r.doc -- plan of interim meetings
Status Report 2.02r.doc -- Status Report for Recommendations of WP2/16
sg16wkpr WP2r.doc -- WP2 work program
Best regards,
Global Information and Telecommunication Institute (GITI)
Waseda University
29-7 Waseda University Bldg.
1-3-10 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
169-0051 Japan
e-mail: okubo(a)
Tel: +81 3 3204 8194
Fax: +81 3 5286 3832
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