Some more corrections:
The needResponse field in IRR should be OPTIONAL. The reason is that
the field is completely irrelevant to IRR that is a response to IRQ. We
propose to say that the field shall (may?) be included only in
unsolicited IRRs, and thus its presence can indicate it is an
unsolicited IRR.
After a closer look we found that the altGkIspermanent is mandatory also
in ARJ, BRJ, DRJ and LRJ, but optional in GRJ, RRJ and URJ. We think it
should be optional in all, and appear only if the alternateGatekeeper
field is also present, but in any case, the optionality has to be
consistent throughout.
The integrity field in GCF is defined to be a SEQUENCE OF
IntegrityMechanism. It seems the intent was a single IntegrityMechanism,
not a SEQUENCE, namely the one chosen by the gatekeeper. Is it so?
-------- On 10/28/97 02:28 PM MST ggf(a) wrote:
Thanks for the note.
In addition, I have the following corrections:
TimeToLive should be INTEGER(1..4294967295) instead of 4294967296.
With the addition in V2 of supplementary services, fast call setup, and
other items, the length of the User-user IE specified in the tables for
each of the various Q.931 messages should be extended from 2-131 to
something larger (any suggestions?).
The callReferenceValue definition (at least in ARQ) should be modified
to remove the statement that the CRV comes from the Q.931 message.
If you find other needed corrections, please let me know.
Lior Moscovici wrote:
> There are two corrections we would like to suggest in H.225.0:
> In the Endpoint structure: "destinationInfo" field should be
> "remoteExtensionInfo". This was our original intent in the Sunriver
> contribution, but we had a typo, we ourselves overlooked. We apologize
> for the incovenience. The change has to be reflected in the ASN.1
> section.
> In the INAK PDU the field altGkIsPermanent should be OPTIONAL, as it
> in all other reject PDUs.
> Sincerely,
> Lior Moscovici
Glen Freundlich ggf(a)
Lucent Technologies office: +1 303 538 2899
11900 N. Pecos fax: +1 303 538 3907
Westminster, Colorado 80234 USA