Dear Experts,
A new year is now here, as is a new ITU-T study period. I wish everyone
a prosperous new year and best wishes as you begin work in the new study
As most of you probably know, I will no longer be actively involved in
ITU-T activities, including SG16 where I have worked for the past 18
years. It was a truly wonderful experience and an honor to have worked
alongside so many talented researchers, scientists, and engineers to
lead in the creation and development of packet-based multimedia
communication systems. I'm very proud of the success we have
collectively achieved.
As those who know me well can attest, I am never complacent. I still
believe there are many opportunities ahead for improvement and creation
of revolutionary multimedia technology that can improve the everyday
lives of people around the world. I look forward to some amazing
results over these next four years from SG16.
I will still be actively working in the multimedia communications field,
just not in the ITU-T. I very much look forward to our paths crossing
again one day.
Kindest regards,