Q21/16 Experts,
All of the documents for the upcoming Q21/16 meeting have now been
received and posted. I apologize for stating that some documents were
missing in my previous email. They had been received, but I
misunderstood the request to post them. I merely assigned numbers and
then filed the email away. I'm very sorry about that!
In any case, the updated list with links to each contribution can be
found here:
I wish you a successful meeting in Changzhou!
Best Regards,
Paul E. Jones
WP1/16 Chair
Q21/16 Experts,
I have posted all of the documents I have received so far.
Unfortunately, I do not have AVD-4786 to AVD-4795. I would kindly
request the authors to either email those to me or post them in the
Incoming directory of the FTP site (as per the instructions on the
meeting invitation).
For a current list of all documents, please refer to:
I have also activated the link for requesting TD numbers. If that link
is inaccessible, feel free to send me an email prior to the meeting to
request a TD number.
Since I will not be present at the meeting and since the Chinese
government often blocks access to Google's services from inside China,
it may be necessary to coordinate locally at the meeting to assign
document numbers. Kai and I will figure out something so that the
meeting runs smoothly.
I have assigned AVD-4776 and AVD-4777, as you can see on the update
document list:
------ Original Message ------
From: "zht" <zht(a)bupt.edu.cn>
To: "paulej" <paulej(a)packetizer.com>
Sent: 9/6/2016 4:24:43 AM
Subject: request for document registration
>Dear Mr Paul,
>I am Haitao from Beijing Universtiy of Posts and Telecommunications.
>Attached please find our two contributions for the upcoming rapporteur
>meeting of question 21/16, in Changzhou, China, 9.26-9.29. Please help
>us register these two documents and assign two document numbers. After
>that, I will upload the documents onto the FTP. Thanks very much.
>Best regards,
>Haitao Zhang
>Beijing Universtiy of Posts and Telecommunications
Dear all
Please see below the collage of two related messages:
* Extension of the deadline for the MPEG survey on VR (now: 23 Sep 2016)
* Definition of VR used in the MPEG survey
From: Stockhammer, Thomas [mailto:tsto@QTI.QUALCOMM.COM]
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2016 03:02
Subject: MPEG Survey extended
Due to the summer break we received many requests to extend the MPEG survey on Virtual Reality. We extended until Sep 23, 2016. Beyond this, we generated the same survey in Chinese.
English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MPEG-Virtual-Reality
Chinese: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MPEG-Virtual-Reality-Chinese
Please participate and disseminate.
Dr. Thomas Stockhammer || Director Technical Standards || Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH || Mobile: +49 172 5702667 || Meet us at IBC(a)9.MS64<mailto:IBC@9.MS64>
Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH, Franziskanerstr. 14, 81669 Muenchen , Amtsgericht München, HRB 133031 , Geschäftsführer: Daniel Philip Welch
This message may contain information which is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. Thank you. Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH has taken every reasonable precautions to ensure that any attachments to this e-mail has been swept for viruses. However, we cannot accept liability for any damage sustained as a result of software viruses and would advise that you carry out your own virus checks before opening any attachment.
From: Stockhammer, Thomas [mailto:tsto@QTI.QUALCOMM.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2016 09:55
Subject: Definition for VR
This is the definition we used for our MPEG Survey.
"Virtual Reality is a rendered environment (visual and acoustic, pre-dominantly real-world) providing an immersive experience to a user who can interact with it in a seemingly real or physical way using special electronic equipment (e.g. display, audio rendering and sensors/actuators)."
I think it covers all main issues and is well in scope of what we are discussing in context of our study.
Dr. Thomas Stockhammer || Director Technical Standards || Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH || Mobile: +49 172 5702667 || Meet us at IBC(a)9.MS64<mailto:IBC@9.MS64>
Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH, Franziskanerstr. 14, 81669 Muenchen , Amtsgericht München, HRB 133031 , Geschäftsführer: Daniel Philip Welch
This message may contain information which is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. Thank you. Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH has taken every reasonable precautions to ensure that any attachments to this e-mail has been swept for viruses. However, we cannot accept liability for any damage sustained as a result of software viruses and would advise that you carry out your own virus checks before opening any attachment.