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April 2013
- 4 participants
- 3 discussions

Preparation for ITU-T Q13, 28/16 Experts Meeting, Southe Africa, 6-10 May 2013
by Masahito Kawamori 11 Apr '13
by Masahito Kawamori 11 Apr '13
11 Apr '13
To Experts of ITU-T SG16 Questions 13 and 28
Cc Mr Y Naito, Chairman of SG16 <yushi.naito(a)>
Mr P Jones, Vice Chairman of SG16 <paulej(a)>
Mr S-H Jeong, Vice Chairman of SG16 <shjeong(a)>
Mr N Luo, Vice Chairman of SG16 <noah(a)>
Mr G Daniel, Vice Chairman of SG16 <danielgaby(a)>
Mr M El-Megharbel, Vice Chairman of SG16 <melmegharbel(a)>
Mr K Isaev, Vice Chairman of SG16 <kh.isaev(a)>
Mr H Kullmann, Vice Chairman of SG16 <Harald.Kullmann(a)>
Mr N Ntlatlapa, Vice Chairman of SG16 <Nntlatlapa(a)>
Mr S Campos-Neto, ITU TSB <simao.campos(a)>
Mr SH Jeong, Chairman of WP2/SG16 <shjeong(a) >
Mr M Kawamori, Rapporteur for Q13/16 <kawamori.masahito(a)>
Mr M Moreno, Associate Rapporteur for Q13/16 <moreno(a)>
Mr SG Kang, Associate Rapporteur for Q14/16 <sgkang(a)>
Mr HJ Kim, Rapporteur for Q25/16 <khj(a)>
Mr J Lee, Rapporteur for Q26/16 <jslee(a)>
Mr S Pennock, Rapporteur for Q27/16 <spennock(a)>
Mr M Kawamori, Rapporteur for Q28/16 <kasamori.masahito(a)>
Dear experts of Q13 and 28/16
Our next experts meeting will be held during IPTV-GSI eventon 6-10 May
2013,in Johannesburg, South Africa, at the kind invitation of
Department of Communications of South Africa, in conjunction with
South Africa's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
This is planned to meet together with Q14/16.
Details of the proposed meeting in IPTV-GSI has been already uploaded
as TSB ciecular 10:
I'm sorry for the short and late notice, but,
in preparation for this Q13 and Q28 meeting according to SG16 official
procedure, please could you let me know:
a) if you intend to come to the meeting, and
b) whether you intend to submit any contributions (how many contributions and
provisional titles please)
It is essential that we know your intentions so that we can make a
decision on whether to
go ahead with the meeting or adjust the meeting duration. If there is
insufficient interest
and/or insufficient contributions then the meeting will not be authorised.
As always, all we need to know are your intentions at this stage - if
you could let me have
provisional titles for any contributions then this would also help.
Please let me know this information as soon as possible, at least by
Tuesday 23 April, which is the deadline of IPTV-GSI contribution.
Outline of meeting is as follows:
1. Date
6 (Monday) - 10 (Friday) May 2013
Rapporteur Meeting will start at 9:00 on the first day and
close around 18:00 on the last day.
2. Venue
Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel,
Sandton, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Phone: +27 11 286 1039 / 40 / 41
3. Topics (tentative)
The objectives of this meeting were agreed in January (see here: and
will be to:
-Progress work on:
(For Q13/16)
o H.721
o H.762
o H.741.3
o H.IPTV-Widget
(For Q13/16)
- Discuss new work items.
4. Documents
Documents must be registered by 23:59 UTC, Tuesday 23 April 2013.
Submit your contributionss to TSB IPTV secretariat at <tsbiptv(a)>
5. Other information
Detailed information on logistic, registration and visa, hotel room
reservation is also contained in TSB circular 10.
Many thanks and looking forward to hearing from you ASAP, at least by
Tuesday 23 April.
Best regards
Masahito Kawamori
13 and 28/16

Re: [sg16-avd] Web-based doc registration?; RE: Planned Rapporteur meeting of Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 21/16
by Paul E. Jones 10 Apr '13
by Paul E. Jones 10 Apr '13
10 Apr '13
I created the submission form, but Stephen would need to have access to it
using Google Docs. If hes conformable with using that, I can certainly
make it available for use and put the appropriate links on Packetizer as we
have had for previous meetings.
From: Schwarz, Albrecht (Albrecht)
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 4:41 AM
To: Schwarz, Albrecht (Albrecht); Stephen Botzko; Paul E. Jones
Cc: sg16-avd(a); Harald.Kullmann(a);
yushi.naito(a); danielgaby(a); kh.isaev(a); weikai;
Nntlatlapa(a); melmegharbel(a); pluthi(a)
Subject: RE: [sg16-avd] Web-based doc registration?; RE: Planned Rapporteur
meeting of Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 21/16
Any action Stephen?
We would also like an early upload option, in order to distribute some
controversial material for pre-meeting notice/discusssions.
From: Schwarz, Albrecht (Albrecht)
Sent: Mittwoch, 3. April 2013 10:04
To: 'Stephen Botzko'; Paul E. Jones
Cc: sg16-avd(a); Harald.Kullmann(a);
yushi.naito(a); danielgaby(a); kh.isaev(a); weikai;
Nntlatlapa(a); melmegharbel(a); pluthi(a)
Subject: RE: [sg16-avd] Web-based doc registration?; RE: Planned Rapporteur
meeting of Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 21/16
Yes, - just due to the amount of planned contribution from ALU side.
Facilitates preparation.
I would agree that just 2, 3 contributions would not justify that effort.
However, weve the same number of docs in the pipeline as for the last
From: Stephen Botzko []
Sent: Donnerstag, 28. März 2013 17:00
To: Paul E. Jones
Cc: Schwarz, Albrecht (Albrecht); sg16-avd(a);
Harald.Kullmann(a); yushi.naito(a);
danielgaby(a); kh.isaev(a); weikai; Nntlatlapa(a);
melmegharbel(a); pluthi(a)
Subject: Re: [sg16-avd] Web-based doc registration?; RE: Planned Rapporteur
meeting of Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 21/16
Albrecht - would you prefer web-based registration?
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Paul E. Jones <paulej(a)>
I think that's really up to Stephen. There are pros and cons with each
approach, of course.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Schwarz, Albrecht (Albrecht) [
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 8:48 AM
> To: Paul E. Jones; sg16-avd(a)
> Cc: Harald.Kullmann(a); yushi.naito(a);
> danielgaby(a); kh.isaev(a); Nntlatlapa(a);
> melmegharbel(a); 'weikai'; pluthi(a)
> Subject: Web-based doc registration?; RE: [sg16-avd] Planned Rapporteur
> meeting of Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 21/16
> Thanks Paul for info!
> to 4): Are there any plan to establish again a web-based doc
> registration, like for the past two Rapporteur meetings?
> -Albrecht
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sg16-avd-bounces(a) [mailto:sg16-avd-
> bounces(a)] On Behalf Of Paul E. Jones
> Sent: Donnerstag, 28. März 2013 13:21
> To: sg16-avd(a)
> Cc: Harald.Kullmann(a); yushi.naito(a);
> danielgaby(a); kh.isaev(a); Nntlatlapa(a);
> melmegharbel(a); 'weikai'; pluthi(a)
> Subject: [sg16-avd] Planned Rapporteur meeting of Questions 1, 2, 3, 5,
> 21/16
> To Experts of ITU-T SG16 Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, and 21/16
> Cc Mr Y Naito, Chairman of SG16 <yushi.naito(a)>
> Mr P Jones, Vice Chairman of SG16 <paulej(a)>
> Mr S-H Jeong, Vice Chairman of SG16 <shjeong(a)>
> Mr N Luo, Vice Chairman of SG16 <noah(a)>
> Mr G Daniel, Vice Chairman of SG16 <danielgaby(a)>
> Mr M El-Megharbel, Vice Chairman of SG16 <melmegharbel(a)>
> Mr K Isaev, Vice Chairman of SG16 <kh.isaev(a)>
> Mr H Kullmann, Vice Chairman of SG16 <Harald.Kullmann(a)>
> Mr N Ntlatlapa, Vice Chairman of SG16 <Nntlatlapa(a)>
> Mr S Campos-Neto, ITU TSB <simao.campos(a)>
> Mr P Luthi, Rapporteur for Q1/16 <pluthi(a)>
> Mr P Jones, Rapporteur for Q2/16 <paulej(a)>
> Mr C Groves, Rapporteur for Q3/16 <Christian.Groves(a)>
> Mr S Botzko, Rapporteur for Q5/16 <Stephen.Botzko(a)>
> Mr N Luo, Rapporteur for Q21/16 <Noah(a)>
> Mr W Kai, Associate Rapporteur for Q21/16 <weikai(a)>
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Preliminary Notice of Joint Rapporteur Meeting in
> Oslo, Norway
> Date: 28 March 2013
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Experts of 1, 2, 3, 5, 21/16,
> The subject meeting of ITU-T SG16 experts will be held at the Cisco
> Systems office in Lysaker (near Oslo), Norway. Details of the proposed
> meeting are contained herein.
> 1. Date
> ^^^^^^^
> 17 (Monday) - 21 (Friday) June 2013
> Rapporteur Meeting will start at 9:00 on the first day and
> close around 18:00 on the last day.
> 2. Venue
> ^^^^^^^^
> Cisco Systems Norway
> Philip Pedersens vei 20
> 1366 Lysaker
> Phone: +47 67 125 125
> e-mail: reception_lysaker(a)
> Meeting Host Contact: Patrick Luthi
> Email: pluthi(a)
> The meeting room reserved for the meeting is called Matterhorn. You
> will need to register at the reception. Registration prior to the
> meeting is necessary (see section 6 below).
> 3. Topics (tentative)
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> 1) Review of the relevant group activities
> 2) Q1/16 - Multimedia systems, terminals and data conferencing
> The objectives for this meeting are:
> - Progress topics relative to H.222.0 Amendment 8 and 9
> - Progress revision of H.239
> - Review of the items relative to H.320, H.324, T.120, H.310, etc.
> - Coordinate with other WP1 Questions
> 3) Q2/16 - Packet-based conversational multimedia systems and functions
> The objectives for this meeting are:
> - Coordinate with other SDOs, Questions, or Study Groups
> - Review items proposed for the H.323-Series Implementors' Guide
> - Progress work on H.323-Series Implementors' Guide, H.460.SessionID,
> H.245, H.325, H.AMS.cis
> - Progress work on AMS signalling, syntax, and message flows
> - Discuss miscellaneous and new work items
> 4) Q3/16 - Multimedia gateway control architectures and protocols
> The objectives for this meeting are:
> - The objectives for this meeting were:
> - Coordinate with other SDOs, Questions, or Study Groups
> - Progress work on: H.248.39 (Rev.), H.248.50 (Rev.), H.248.66
> (ex H.248.RTSP), H.248.74 (ex H.248.MRCP), H.248.80
> (ex H.248.SDPMAPPER), H.248.DPI, H.248.RTPTOPO, H.248.TLS,
> H.248.TLSPROF, H.248.RTCPPROF, H.248.TCP, H.248.WEBRTC, and
> H.248.RTP-MUX
> - Progress work on H.248 Sub Series IG, H Series Supp. 2 and
> H.Supp.Prio
> - Consider new material
> 5) Q5/16 - Telepresence systems
> The objectives for this meeting are:
> - Coordinate with other Questions
> - Progress Topics related to F.TPS-Reqs, F/H.TPS-Arch, H.TPS-AV
> - Consider new material
> 6) Q21/16 - Multimedia framework, applications and services
> The objectives for this meeting are:
> - Coordinate with other SDOs, Questions, or Study Groups
> - Progress work on H.IVSReqs, H.VSMprot, F.LIMSreqs, F.NBLICreqs,
> H.P2PVSArch, F.UDExch, H.VHN and H.IPTV-NGN-HN
> - Consider new and miscellaneous work items
> 4. Documents
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> /// Registration of the document: by 23:59 UTC, 7 June 2013 /// ///
> Distribution of the document: by 23:59 UTC, 10 June 2013 /// /// Use the
> ftp site (or e-mail reflector) for distribution ///
> 1) Documents must be registered by 23:59 UTC, Friday 7 June 2013.
> Submit your requests to Mr Stephen Botzko
> <Stephen.Botzko(a)>,
> Document Manager for this meeting.
> Early indication of your submission plan is welcome and encouraged.
> Once registered, a document number AVD-nnnn will be allocated.
> Note - Prefix "AVD" comes from Audio, Video and Data.
> 2) You are advised to use the document template available at the
> following place:
> template_1306_Os
> l.docx
> 3) File format: Use of Word, PDF, ASCII or HTML is recommended.
> 4) All the contributors are requested to distribute their documents
> as early as possible, at least 7 calendar days in advance of the
> meeting (23:59 UTC, Monday 10 June 2013 or before) by posting
> them at either of the following:
> - Uploading via FTP
> Site:
> Login: avguest
> Password: Avguest201007 (Note the uppercase 'A')
> Directory: av-arch/avc-site/Incoming
> - E-mail reflector
> E-mail address: sg16-avd(a)
> To subscribe: sg16-avd-join(a)
> - E-mail to the Document Manager
> Stephen Botzko <Stephen.Botzko(a)>
> Please avoid the use of the mailing list when your document is
> voluminous.
> 5) Input documents can be retrieved from 1306_Osl directory of the
> ftp site once Mr Botzko has an opportunity to put them into place.
> The documents will be available through the following URLs:
> Login: avguest
> Password: Avguest201007 (Note the uppercase 'A')
> 6) The document distribution/presentation at the meeting will be
> all electronic. Participants must bring along a laptop to access
> documents via the wireless LAN.
> Internet access will be available in the meeting rooms.
> 5. Logistic Information
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> The meeting will be hosted by Cisco Systems Norway at their office in
> Lysaker (near Oslo), Norway.
> The closest airport is Oslo airport Gardemoen (OSL).
> The Oslo Airport Express Train (Flytoget) leaves from inside the Oslo
> Airport terminal building 70 meters to the right after leaving the
> custom area in the arrival hall. Your train ticket must be bought
> before boarding the train. There is a ticket office and vending
> machines in the arrival area before accessing the train. This service
> is the fastest and most frequent way of travelling between the Airport
> and the city. This is also one of the fastest going airport trains in
> the world running at a speed of 210 km/h.
> The train takes you downtown to Oslo Central Station (Oslo S) in 19
> minutes and leaves every 10 minutes. Every second train also stops at
> Lillestrøm, Oslo Central Station, Nationaltheatret, Skøyen, Lysaker,
> Sandvika and Asker.
> If you wish to travel directly to Cisco, you need to get off at Lysaker
> Station and take a taxi from there. Travel time from the airport to
> Lysaker is about 40 minutes and the Cisco office is 5 minutes from the
> train station by car. There is a taxi stand right outside of the
> station. You can also take the bus to the Cisco Office, bus 151 or 252
> to "Oksenøyveien", this is the next stop after Lysaker station and it
> stops right outside the main building. The entrance to the office is
> located on the opposite side of the building.
> The currency in Norway is the Norwegian Krone (NOK).
> The voltage in Norway is similar to that in most other European
> countries (230V/50Hz). Electric plugs are either of type C (two pins)
> or type F.
> 6. Registration and Visa Information
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> To register your meeting attendance, please send e-mail to Meeting
> Organizer, Mr Paul E. Jones <paulej(a)>, providing the
> family name, given name, company name, and e-mail address of person(s)
> attending.
> Early registration of your attendance is welcome and encouraged, but
> preferably before 17 May 2013, as the meeting cannot proceed without a
> reasonable number of attendees.
> Citizens of some countries are required to obtain a visa in order to
> enter and spend time in Norway. The visa must be requested and obtained
> from the office (embassy or consulate) representing Norway in your
> country.
> People needing visa support letters should register as soon as possible.
> Participants who need an invitation letter for visas should contact
> Patrick Luthi <pluthi(a)>, providing the family name, first name,
> date of birth, country of citizenship and other identifying information
> required by the Norwegian embassy in your country.
> 7. Hotel Room Reservation
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Participants should contact the hotels directly regarding room
> availability and for making room bookings. No rooms have been reserved
> for this event.
> Suggested Hotels located close to the Royal Palace and Karl Johans gate,
> in a central part of Oslo (in no particular order or price):
> Hotel Bristol
> Kristian IV's gate 7
> 0164 Oslo
> +47 22 82 60 00 <tel:%2B47%2022%2082%2060%2000> (Phone)
> bristol1/?i
> nbookingcontext=true&bestprice=1712
> Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel Oslo
> Holbergsgate 30
> 0166 Oslo
> Phone: +47 23 29 30 00 <tel:%2B47%2023%2029%2030%2000> (Phone)
> +47 23 29 30 01 <tel:%2B47%2023%2029%2030%2001> (Fax)
> Scandic Edderkoppen
> Saint Olavs Plass 1
> 0162 Oslo
> +47 23 15 56 00 <tel:%2B47%2023%2015%2056%2000> (Phone)
> +47 23 15 56 11 <tel:%2B47%2023%2015%2056%2011> (Fax)
> -Edd
> erkoppen/
> Best Western Karl Johan Hotel
> Karl Johans Gate 33
> 0162 Oslo
> +47 23 16 17 00 <tel:%2B47%2023%2016%2017%2000> (Phone)
> +47 22 42 05 19 <tel:%2B47%2022%2042%2005%2019> (Fax)
> Karl-Joh
> an-Hotell/
> We are looking forward to meeting with you in Oslo.
> Sincerely yours,
> Christian GROVES
> Paul JONES (Meeting Organizer for this meeting) Patrick LUTHI (Meeting
> host) Stephen BOTZKO (Document Manager for this meeting) Noah LUO

Preparation for ITU-T Q14/16 Experts Meeting, Southe Africa, 6-10 May 2013
by Kazunori TANIKAWA 08 Apr '13
by Kazunori TANIKAWA 08 Apr '13
08 Apr '13
To Experts of ITU-T SG16 Questions 14
Cc Mr Y Naito, Chairman of SG16 <yushi.naito(a)>
Mr P Jones, Vice Chairman of SG16 <paulej(a)>
Mr S-H Jeong, Vice Chairman of SG16 <shjeong(a)>
Mr N Luo, Vice Chairman of SG16 <noah(a)>
Mr G Daniel, Vice Chairman of SG16 <danielgaby(a)>
Mr M El-Megharbel, Vice Chairman of SG16 <melmegharbel(a)>
Mr K Isaev, Vice Chairman of SG16 <kh.isaev(a)>
Mr H Kullmann, Vice Chairman of SG16 <Harald.Kullmann(a)>
Mr N Ntlatlapa, Vice Chairman of SG16 <Nntlatlapa(a)>
Mr S Campos-Neto, ITU TSB <simao.campos(a)>
Mr SH Jeong, Chairman of WP2/SG16 <shjeong(a) >
Mr M Kawamori, Rapporteur for Q13/16 <kawamori.masahito(a)>
Mr M Moreno, Associate Rapporteur for Q13/16 <moreno(a)>
Mr SG Kang, Associate Rapporteur for Q14/16 <sgkang(a)>
Mr HJ Kim, Rapporteur for Q25/16 <khj(a)>
Mr J Lee, Rapporteur for Q26/16 <jslee(a)>
Mr S Pennock, Rapporteur for Q27/16 <spennock(a)>
Mr M Kawamori, Rapporteur for Q28/16 <kasamori.masahito(a)>
Dear Q14/16 Colleagues,
Our next experts meeting will be held as an IPTV-GSI event, in South Africa, during the period 6-10 May 2013.
It is planned to meet together with Questions 13 and 28.
Details of the proposed meeting in IPTV-GSI has been already uploaded as TSB ciecular 10:
I'm sorry for the short and late notice, but,
in preparation for the Q14 meeting according to SG16 official procesdures, please could you let me know:
a) if you intend to come to the meeting, and
b) whether you intend to submit any contributions (how many contributions and
provisional titles please)
It is essential that we know your intentions so that we can make a decision on whether to
go ahead with the meeting or adjust the meeting duration. If there is insufficient interest
and/or insufficient contributions then the meeting will not be authorised.
As always, all we need to know are your intentions at this stage - if you could let me have
provisional titles for any contributions then this would also help.
Please let me know this information as soon as possible, at least by Tuesday 23 April, which is the deadline of IPTV-GSI contribution.
Outline of meeting is as follows:
1. Date
6 (Monday) - 10 (Friday) May 2013
Rapporteur Meeting will start at 9:00 on the first day and
close around 18:00 on the last day.
2. Venue
Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel,
Sandton, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Phone: +27 11 286 1039 / 40 / 41
3. Topics (tentative)
The objectives of this meeting were agreed in January (see here: and will be to:
– Progress the work on H.DS-AM;
– Progress the work on H.DS-ARCH;
– Progress the work on H.DS-META;
- Progress the work on H.DS-DISR;
- Progress the work on HTSP.DS-UCIS;
- Discuss miscellaneous and new work items.
4. Documents
Documents must be registered by 23:59 UTC, Tuesday 23 April 2013.
Submit your contributionss to TSB IPTV secretariat at <tsbiptv(a)>
5. Other information
Detailed information on logistic, registration and visa, hotel room
reservation is also contained in TSB circular 10.
Many thanks and looking forward to hearing from you ASAP, at least by Tuesday 23 April.
Carrier Network Business Unit
NEC Corporation