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April 2004
- 5 participants
- 21 discussions
*** This notice and the host's information as attached will be ***
*** placed at <>. ***
To Experts of ITU-T SG16 Questions F, G, K, 2, 3, 4 and 5/16
Cc Mr. P-A. Probst, Chairman of SG16 <probst-pa(a)>
Mr. M. Matsumoto, Vice-Chairman of SG16 <mmatsumoto(a)>
Mr. S. Campos-Neto, ITU TSB <simao.campos(a)>
Mr. L. Jiang, MII <jianglt(a)>
Ms. Y. Shen, MII <shenyaqin(a)>
Mr. C. Hansen, Rapporteur for Q.B/16 <chris.hansen(a)INTEL.COM>,
Mr. P. Luthi, Rapporteur for Q.1/16 <patrick.luthi(a)TANDBERG.NO>
De S-H. Jeong Rapporteur for Q.F/16 <shjeong(a)>
M. Euchner Rapporteur for Q.G/16 <Martin.Euchner(a)>
L. Lehmann Rapporteur for Q.K/16 <Leo.Lehmann(a)>
P. Jones Rapporteur for Q.2/16 <paulej(a)>
C. Groves Rapporteur for Q.3/16 <Christian.Groves(a)>
S. Okubo Rapporteur for Q.4/16 <sokubo(a)>
R. Gilman Rapporteur for Q.5/16 <rrg(a)>
Subject: Notice of Joint Rapporteur Meeting in Beijing, China
Date: 31 March 2004
Dear experts of Questions F, G, K, 2-5/16,
The subject meeting of ITU-T SG16 experts will be held in Beijing,
China at the kind invitation of China Academy of Telecommunications
Research of MII and China Communications Standards Association. Details
of the meeting are contained herein.
Please note that Q.B/16 and Q.1/16 may meet concurrently and we will
have joint sessions with these Questions in that case.
1. Date
11 (Tuesday) - 14 (Friday) May 2004
Meeting will start at 9:00 AM on the first day
Closing around 18:00 on the final day
2. Venue
No.A3, Xi Dan Heng Er Tiao,
Xicheng District, Beijing,
Tel: +86 10 66078866
Fax: +86 10 66085998
Post Code: 100031
3. Topics (tentative)
1) Review of the relevant group activities
2) Q.F/16 Quality of Service and End-to-end Performance in Multimedia
- Progress work for:
* Annex N H.323
* H.priority
* H.trans.cont
3) Q.G/16 Security of Multimedia Systems and Services
- Progress work for:
* H.235 Annex G
* other study items in the living list (TD-71/WP2, January 2004)
4) Q.K/16 Mobility for Multimedia Systems and Services
- Further elaboration TD-53/WP2 (January 2004)
- Mobility aspects of presence service; co-ordination with Q.2/16
- Study of new service features
- Follow up workplan
5) Q.2/16 Multimedia over packet networks using H.323 systems
- Progress work for:
* H.460.tppr
* H.460.trans
* H.460.relreq
* H.gaam
* H.323 Annexes I & N
* H.323 Annexes Dv3, Gv2, Ov2
* H.sms
* H.presence
6) Q.3/16 Infrastructure and interoperability for Multimedia over
packet networks
- Progress work for:
* H.248-subseries
* H.245 v11
* H.341
7) Q.4/16 Video and data conferencing using Internet-supported services
- H.350-series maintenance
- Addition to H.350-series
- Presence use scenarios
- Study of new service features
8) Q.5/16 Control of NAT and Firewall Traversal for Multimedia Systems
- Progress NAT/firewall traversal methods
9) Interaction with other groups
- Others
10) Future work plan
4. Documents
/// Registration of the document: by 23:59 UTC, 30 April 2004 ///
/// Distribution of the document: by 23:59 UTC, 4 May 2004 ///
/// Use the ftp site (or e-mail reflector) for distribution ///
1) When you are going to submit a document, please notify
Paul Jones <paulej(a)>, document manager of this
meeting, as soon as possible, by 23:59 UTC, Friday 30 April 2004
at the latest. Document number AVD-nnnn will be allocated. Early
indication of your submission plan is welcome and encouraged.
Note: Prefix "AVD" comes from Audio, Video and Data.
2) You are advised to include a header as follows:
| |
| ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector Document AVD-{nnnn}|
| Study Group 16 {Version m if relevant}|
| Q.F, G, K, 2-5/16 Rapporteur Meeting {Date}|
| Beijing, 11-14 May 2004 |
| |
| SOURCE*: { } |
| TITLE : { } |
| PURPOSE: {Proposal, Discussion, Information, Report, etc.} |
| |
| _________________________ |
| |
| |
| |
| *Contact: Name, e-mail |
Note: A template for the AVD document can be found at:
This may be modified and used for the purpose of document submission
at this meeting.
3) File format: Use of Word, PDF, ASCII or HTML is recommended.
4) All the contributors are requested to distribute their documents
as early as possible, at least 7 calendar days in advance of the
meeting (23:59 UTC, Tuesday 4 May 2004 or before) by posting
them at either of the following:
- Uploading via FTP
User ID: avguest
Password: Avguest (Note the uppercase 'A')
Directory: avc-site/Incoming
- E-mail reflector
E-mail address: itu-sg16(a)
To subscribe:
Send e-mail to majordomo(a)
In the body of the message, put: subscribe itu-sg16
Please avoid the use of reflector when your document is voluminous.
5) Input documents can be retrieved from /0405_Bei directory of the
ftp site once Mr. Jones has an opportunity to put them into
The documents will also be available through the following URLs:
6) The document distribution / presentation at the meeting will be
all electronic. Participants must bring along a laptop and
802.11b wireless card in order to access the documents.
5. Logistic information
The meeting will be hosted by China Academy of Telecommunications
Research of MII and China Communications Standards Association.
Please refer to the participants' information document kindly prepared
by the host, which is available at:
6. Registration
To register your meeting attendance, please send the Meeting
Registration / Hotel Room Reservation Form provided by the host in the
participants' information document to
Ms. Jiang Hong <jianghong(a)>
with copy to
Ms.Yaqin Shen <shenyaqin(a)> and
CCSA <ccsacontact(a)>
by 28 April 2004.
7. Hotel Room Reservation
You are recommended to stay at GUANGZHOU HOTEL, the meeting place. For
room reservation, please indicate the dates of your stay in the Meeting
Registration / Hotel Room Reservation Form.
We are looking forward to meeting with you in Beijing.
Sincerely yours,
Seong-ho JEONG
Paul JONES (document manager of this meeting)
Christian GROVES
Sakae OKUBO (meeting organizer of this meeting)