GNU Gatekeeper version 4.7 has just been released.
This version is purely a security update and has no new features. All
users are encouraged to update, especially if you use port detection
(IgnoreSignaledIPs=1) you should update ASAP.
It has been discovered that GnuGk is vulnerable in some configurations
for RTP bleed attacks (https://rtpbleed.com/) By updating to version
4.7 only the first packets in each media stream influence the media
To further secure your configuration, you can set
to only accept RTP from the same class C network that the call
signaling came from. Please beware that this may break a few valid calls
where this condition isn't met.
You can download the new version from
Please see the full change log below.
Changes from 4.6 to 4.7
- fixes for RTP Bleed
- new switch [Proxy] RestrictRTPSources=IP or Net to limit accepting RTP
from the call signal IPs or the respective class C network
- new switch [Proxy] LegacyPortDetection=1 to keep port detection help
for some very old and broken endpoints that will make your gatekeeper
vulnerable to RTP Bleed attacks
- BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) replace @ip or ip## from aliases when using
- BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) better initialization of sendmsg() structs
- new command line option: now you can use -S instead of --strict (needed
on BSD systems)
Jan Willamowius, Founder of the GNU Gatekeeper Project
EMail : jan(a)willamowius.de
Website: https://www.gnugk.org
Support: https://www.willamowius.com/gnugk-support.html
Relaxed Communications GmbH
Frahmredder 91
22393 Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Jan Willamowius
HRB 125261 (Amtsgericht Hamburg)
USt-IdNr: DE286003584
I'm happy to announce that GNU Gatekeeper version 4.6 has just been
This version has a few new features as well as bug fixes.
New features:
- least used routing: distribute calls evenly between gateways or MCUs
(new switch [RasSrv::ARQFeatures] LeastUsedRouting=1)
- ability to log to the Unix syslog instead of the trace file
(new switch [LogFile] TraceToSyslog=1)
- new authentication module TwoAliasAuth
this is not very safe, but you can use it with endpoints that do not
support any password transmission
- new switch [CTI::MakeCall] Bandwidth= to set the maximum bandwidth
for the calls generated by the GnuGk status port API
- status port command: UnregisterEP <ep-id>
- a number of switches to fine tune TCP keepalives
- new switch to remove load balancers from the call path
([RoutedMode] RedirectCallsToGkIP=1)
Bug fixes:
- fixed TCP keepalive for H.460 calls
- fixes to port detection for unregistered calls
- audio fix when GnuGk adds encryption to calls
- many smaller fixes
You can download the new version from
Please see the full change log below.
Changes from 4.5 to 4.6
- new switch: [RoutedMode] RedirectCallsToGkIP=1
- new switches: [RoutedMode] H460KeepAliveMethodH225=, H460KeepAliveMethodH245=,
GnuGkTcpKeepAliveMethodH225=, GnuGkTcpKeepAliveMethodH245=
- BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) TCP keep-alives for H.460.18 calls weren't always
enabled correctly
- don't open a status port listener if [Gatekeeper::Main] StatusPort=0
- BUGFIX(Toolkit.cxx) remove trailing chars before checking for DefaultDomain
- add callID to H.245 trace messages for easier debugging
- BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) forward ReleaseComplete from remaining party while
doing call reroute
- BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) drop un-en/decryptable RTP packets at end of call
when adding encryption
- new status port command: UnregisterEP <ep-id>
- BUGFIX(RasSrv.cxx) remove IPv6 addresses before processing RRQs when IPv6 is not enabled
- send Facility message as as non-H.460.18 keep-alive for H.225
- send non-standard H.245 userIndication as non-H.460.18 keep-alive for H.245
- new switch [RoutedMode] DisableGnuGkH245TcpKeepAlive=1
- new switch [LogFile] TraceToSyslog=1 to send trace output to syslog (Unix only)
- BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) fix port detection for re-opened channels with IgnoreSignaledIPs=1
- new switch [CTI::MakeCall] Bandwidth= to set the maximum bandwidth for the call
- new switch [RasSrv::ARQFeatures] LeastUsedRouting=1 to select the least used gateway
- new authentication module TwoAliasAuth
Jan Willamowius, Founder of the GNU Gatekeeper Project
EMail : jan(a)willamowius.de
Website: https://www.gnugk.org
Support: https://www.willamowius.com/gnugk-support.html
Relaxed Communications GmbH
Frahmredder 91
22393 Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Jan Willamowius
HRB 125261 (Amtsgericht Hamburg)
USt-IdNr: DE286003584
I have just released H323Plus 1.26.8. This version contains a number of
bug fixes that were only available through the CVS until now.
I'm also taking over the maintenance of the h323plus.org website.
If you run into any issues, please email me.
Jan Willamowius, Founder of the GNU Gatekeeper Project
EMail : jan(a)willamowius.de
Website: https://www.gnugk.org
Support: https://www.willamowius.com/gnugk-support.html
Relaxed Communications GmbH
Frahmredder 91
22393 Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Jan Willamowius
HRB 125261 (Amtsgericht Hamburg)
USt-IdNr: DE286003584