Forwarding to the h323plus list…
From: Yen-Hsiang, Chen []
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 10:48 AM
To: support(a)
Cc: 衍詳
Subject: Support Inquiry
Dear Sir,
Some problems I would like please you for help on h323.
On H.239, we modify the code from simple project, when we open the usb
camera (Via OpenVideoChannel in main.cxx of simple), the image can appear
normal. But the H.239 open, they can not show usb camera and H.239 at the
same time , that is, to receive the H.239 error OpenLogicalChannel. I copy
the method from OpenVideoChannel to implement H.239. But no work. Could you
please help me to solve this.
PTrace message
0:06.226 SimpleH323 H323 Found capability:
H239<H.263{sw} <1>>
0:06.226 SimpleH323 H323 Application Available
H239<H.263{sw} <1>>
0:06.226 SimpleH323 H245 Opening channel: T-117
0:06.228 SimpleH323 RTP_UDP Session 5 created: ssrc=4041584155
0:06.228 SimpleH323 RTP Adding session RTP_UDP
0:06.228 SimpleH323 H323RTP Transmitter created
using session 5
0:06.228 SimpleH323 H323RTP OnSendingPDU
0:06.228 SimpleH323 RTP OnSendingPDU
0:06.228 SimpleH323 H323PLUGIN Creating video codec
H.263 from plugin
0:06.229 SimpleH323 PVidDev SetFrameSize to
0:06.229 SimpleH323 PVidDev SetColourFormatConverter
success for native YUV420P
0:06.230 SimpleH323 H323 Started sending logical
channel: H.263{sw} <1>
0:06.230 SimpleH323 LogChan Opened using capability
H.263{sw} <1>
0:06.230 SimpleH323 LogChan Bandwidth requested/used
= 327.6/0.0 kb/s
0:06.230 SimpleH323 H323 Bandwidth request:
-0.0kb/s, available: 8628.6kb/s
0:06.230 SimpleH323 H323 Bandwidth request:
+327.6kb/s, available: 8628.6kb/s
0:06.230 SimpleH323 H245 Sending PDU
[(noaddr)/(noaddr)] : request openLogicalChannel
0:06.230 SimpleH323 H225 Sending PDU
[ip$$] : empty
0:06.231 SimpleH323 H323 Application
OpenLogicalChannel failed: H239<H.263{sw} <1>>
0:06.236 H225 Answer:b6c77b90 H225 Receiving PDU
[ip$$] : empty
0:06.236 H225 Answer:b6c77b90 H225 Handling PDU: Facility
0:06.236 H225 Answer:b6c77b90 H245 Receiving PDU
[(noaddr)/(noaddr)] : response openLogicalChannelReject
0:06.236 H225 Answer:b6c77b90 H245 Received open channel
reject: T-117, state=AwaitingEstablishment
0:06.236 H225 Answer:b6c77b90 H323RTP Cleaning up RTP T-117
0:06.237 H225 Answer:b6c77b90 LogChan Cleaning up T-117
0:06.237 H225 Answer:b6c77b90 H323 Stopped sending logical
channel: H.263{sw} <1>
0:06.237 H225 Answer:b6c77b90 LogChan Cleaned up T-117
0:06.237 H225 Answer:b6c77b90 RTP Releasing session 5
0:06.237 H225 Answer:b6c77b90 RTP Deleting session 5
0:06.237 H225 Answer:b6c77b90 RTP_UDP Session 5, Shutting down
0:06.237 H225 Answer:b6c77b90 RTP_UDP Session 5, Shutting down
I found that I can send H.239 packets, but receive not work.
Does it will open two windows of both usb camera and h.239 data sharing
window ? I try to use usb camera and fake video. But both of them show on
the same window and preempt the same window resource resulting segmentation
Could you give any advice for me ?
Thanks & Regards,