These standards are available from the ITU, either in paper or electronic form. Ordering information is available on and Pre-publication drafts of SOME documents are available on, but these are not indexed for easy reference but those not actively participating in SG16 work, and may be different in technically significant ways from the published text. -- Toby ___________________________________________________________ Toby Nixon, Program Manager - NetMeeting Microsoft Corporation, Applications and Internet Client Group, Redmond WA USA +1 (425) 936-2792 Fax: +1 (425) 936-7329
-----Original Message----- From: Abdur Rafay Badar [SMTP:rafay@THEOFFICE.NET] Sent: Friday, October 31, 1997 3:23 AM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: H.320
Can you plase send me all technical information about H.320 and other including the G. standerds for voice.
I will really appreciate you help on this.
Regards. Rafay Badar
participants (1)
Toby Nixon