Experts of WP1/16 and WP2/16, With this new Study Period of ITU-T, SG16 has re-organized and, with that re-organization, there is a need to also rename and restructure the public mailing lists we use to get work done. The itu-sg16@lists.packetizer.com list is being deleted and replaced with two new lists, one for WP1/16 and one for WP2/16. WP1/16 includes Questions on H.320, T.120, H.323, H.325/AMS, H.248, Telepresence systems, and multimedia framework, applications, and services. The list is sg16-avd@lists.packetizer.com. WP2/16 includes Questions on IPTV, digital signage, Internet of Things applications and services, accessibility, vehicle gateway platform, and e-health. The list is sg16-ast@lists.packetizer.com. For your convenience, you have been subscribed to both lists since most of the work had previously been done as part of a single Working Party (and thus the single list). Should you wish to unsubscribe from either list, you can do so by visiting: http://lists.packetizer.com/mailman/listinfo Select the list and follow the instructions to unsubscribe. I can also remove you manually, but I kindly request that you don't ask unless there is a technical need. There are a lot of subscribers on these lists and it would be most helpful to me if you could manage your list subscriptions yourself. Also with this transition, anyone previously subscribed to receive message digests will need to change that configuration setting again. Given the relatively low volume on this list, it's probably not necessary. Lastly, all of the mail archives previously associated with itu-sg16 have been moved to sg16-avd. The message archiving will continue for both lists for the benefit of those interested in the work. Cheers! Paul