svn rev.22443
src/pwavefile.cxx wavfile.cxx?revision=22443&view=markup
include/ptclib/pwavefile.h ib/pwavfile.h?revision=22443&view=markup
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sander Sent: Tuesday, 30 March 2010 12:04 AM To: Subject: Re: [h323plus] openmcu hangs when second client accepts invitation
Hello all,
can someone enlighten me on which combination of versions work for videoconferencing?
I would like very much to help to debug the hang problem with the current development version, but I would also like to implement a working version if possible.
Any advice is appreciated.
With kind regards, Sander
Sander wrote (ao): # Hello Simon, # # Simon Horne wrote (ao): # > Are you using ptlib 2.8.0 ? # > The error is in the PSoundChannel_WAVFile class in ptlib. # > ptclib/pwavfiledev.cxx # > Replacing both the .h and .cxx file or reverting back to ptlib 2.6.0 will # > fix the problem. # > # > There was a change made in the last ptlib release which I am currently #
# # I'm affraid that didn't work out (openmcu still hangs when the second # ekiga clients accepts the invitation). # # First I tried to copy the two files over from ptlib 2.6.5 to the svn # version of ptlib. This didn't compile (can provide errors if useful). # # Then I tried to compile ptilib 2.6.5 and the other software from # cvs/svn. Ptlib compiled, but h323plus did not. # # h323plus-v1_21_0.tar.gz did compile, and so did the rest, but to no # avail. # # Are you sure the error is in pwavfiledev.* ? If you are not, how can I # best debug? # # With kind regards, Sander # # # > -----Original Message----- # > From: # > [] On Behalf Of Sander # > Sent: Wednesday, 17 March 2010 2:34 AM # > To: # > Subject: [h323plus] openmcu hangs when second client accepts invitation # > # > Dear all, # > # > I'm trying to do a three-way videoconferencing with openmcu. # > # > After inviting two ekiga clients to the same conference room (from within # > the webinterface), openmcu hangs. # > # > Hangs means: doesn't refresh anymore (reload # > times out eventually) and openmcu has to be killed with -9. # > # > When inviting the first ekiga client, the client sees the openmcu logo as # > 'remote video', and that client gets listed on the status page. # > # > When inviting the second ekiga client to the same room, that client sees # > it's own video, and 'remote video' is grayed out. # > # > If the second client is invited to a different room from the first instead, # > both clients see the openmcu logo (and openmcu doens't hang and the status # > page gets refreshed with both clients listed in their rooms). # > # > This all happened back in early february too. Now I found the time to try # > again. # > # > I've read al mails in the archive at # > from november 2009 till now, # > but didn't find a similar case. # > # > The system on which all software is compiled and which is running openmcu, # > is an up to date Debian Sid (unstable) amd64, and selfcompiled kernel # > 2.6.32-rc6. # > # > The clients are a Debian Sid on Intel Core2 Duo and a Debian Sid on ARM # > (SheevaPlug). # > # > How can I debug what happens to openmcu? Or is there an obvious mistake in # > the steps below? # > # > With kind regards, Sander # > # > # > # ldd `which openmcu` # > => (0x00007fff1f1ff000) # > => # > /usr/local/h323plus/lib/ (0x00007eff1581c000) # > => /lib/ (0x00007eff15606000) # > => /usr/local/ptlib/lib/ # > (0x00007eff150c8000) # > => /lib/ (0x00007eff14eac000) # > => /lib/ (0x00007eff14ca4000) # > => /usr/lib/ (0x00007eff14a7b000) # > => /lib/ (0x00007eff14877000) # > => /usr/lib/ (0x00007eff14563000) # > => /lib/ (0x00007eff142e0000) # > => /lib/ (0x00007eff140ca000) # > => /lib/ (0x00007eff13d76000) # > /lib64/ (0x00007eff16278000) # > # > # > (one client): # > # > Room Name Room Members # > Name Duration Codec RTP # > Packets/Bytes tx RTP Packets/Bytes rx TX Video frame rate/RX Video # > frame rate # > conference Sander 2:07.003 G.711-ALaw-64k/G.711-ALaw-64k # > 6350/1016000 6391/1022560 10.0007/9.68926 # > H.261-CIF/H.261-CIF # > # > # > The steps: # > # > svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg # > # > cvs # > login cvs -z3 # > co #
h323plus cvs -z3 # > co # > applications # > # > svn co # > ptlib svn co # > opal # > # > wget # > # > 45.tar.bz2 # > # > # > tar jcf ptlib.tar.bz2 ptlib & # > tar jcf opal.tar.bz2 opal & # > tar jcf h323plus.tar.bz2 h323plus & # > tar jcf extensions.tar.bz2 extensions & # > tar jcf applications.tar.bz2 applications & tar jcf ffmpeg.tar.bz2 ffmpeg & # > # > # > export # > PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/ffmpeg/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/ptlib/lib/pkgconf # > ig # > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/ffmpeg/lib:/usr/local/ptlib/lib # > export PTLIBDIR=/usr/src/h323/ptlib # > export OPENH323DIR=/usr/src/h323/h323plus # > export PTLIBPLUGINDIR=/usr/local/ptlib/lib/pwlib # > # > # > cd /usr/src/h323 # > tar xf x264-snapshot-20100315-2245.tar.bz2 # > cd x264-snapshot-20100315-2245 # > ./configure --enable-shared > /dev/null && \ make -j4 > /dev/null && \ make # > install > /dev/null # > # > # > cd /usr/src/h323 # > tar xf ffmpeg.tar.bz2 # > cd ffmpeg # > ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ffmpeg --enable-shared --enable-libx264 \ # > --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-gpl --enable-decoder=h263 \ # > --enable-decoder=h263i --enable-decoder=h264 --enable-decoder=theora \ # > --enable-encoder=h263 --enable-encoder=h263p --enable-encoder=libx264 \ # > --enable-encoder=libtheora && \ make -j4 > /dev/null && \ make install > # > /dev/null ldconfig # > # > # > cd /usr/src/h323 # > tar xf ptlib.tar.bz2 # > cd ptlib # > export PTLIBDIR=/usr/src/h323/ptlib # > ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ptlib && \ make -j4 > /dev/null && \ make # > install > /dev/null # > # > # > cd /usr/src/h323 # > tar xf h323plus.tar.bz2 # > cd h323plus # > ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/h323plus && \ make -j4 > /dev/null && \ make # > install > /dev/null # > # > # > cd /usr/local/include # > ln -s /usr/local/ffmpeg/include/libavcodec/ ffmpeg #
# > # > cd /usr/src/h323 # > cd extensions/plugins # > ./configure
--prefix=/usr/local/ptlib && \ make -j4 > /dev/null && \ make # > install > /dev/null cp -a /usr/local/ptlib/lib/pwlib /usr/local/ # > # > # > cd /usr/src/h323 # > tar xf applications.tar.bz2 # > cd applications/openmcu/ #
make -j4 > /dev/null && \ # > make install > /dev/null # > # > # >
/etc/ # > /usr/local/h323plus/lib # > # > # > cd /usr/local/ptlib/lib/pwlib/ # > ln -s /usr/local/ffmpeg/lib/ # > ldconfig # > cd # > /bin/openmcu -d
-- Humilis IT Services and Solutions