
Q21/16 Experts, I have posted all of the documents I have received so far. Unfortunately, I do not have AVD-4786 to AVD-4795. I would kindly request the authors to either email those to me or post them in the Incoming directory of the FTP site (as per the instructions on the meeting invitation). For a current list of all documents, please refer to: http://ftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/2013-2016/1609_Cha/1506_Cha.html I have also activated the link for requesting TD numbers. If that link is inaccessible, feel free to send me an email prior to the meeting to request a TD number. Since I will not be present at the meeting and since the Chinese government often blocks access to Google's services from inside China, it may be necessary to coordinate locally at the meeting to assign document numbers. Kai and I will figure out something so that the meeting runs smoothly. Paul

SGkgUGF1bCwNCg0KDQoNCg0KSSBoYXZlbid0IHNlZW4gdGhlc2UgdHdvIGxpc3RlZCBlaXRoZXI6 DQoNCg0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCiBBVkQtNDc4Ny0gSC5JVlNBcmNoOiByZWZlcmVuY2UgcG9pbnRzIGJl dHdlZW4gSVBVIGFuZCBvdGhlciB1bml0c0FWRC00Nzg4IC0gSC5JVlNBcmNoOiByZWdpc3RyYXRp b24gYW5kIGNvbmZpZ3VyYXRpb24gc2VydmljZSBjb250cm9sIGZsb3cgZm9yIElDDQoNCg0KDQoN Cg0KcGxlYXNlIHJldXBsb2FkIHRoYW5rcy4NCg0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCueOi+S6riBXYW5nbGlhbmcN Cg0KDQoNCg0KDQoNClN0YW5kYXJkIEVuZ2luZWVyDQrns7vnu5/mnrbmnoTpg6gv5LqR6K6h566X 5Y+KSVTnoJTnqbbpmaIv5LqR6K6h566X5Y+KSVTkuqflk4Hnu4/okKXpg6ggU3lzdGVtIEFyY2hp dGVjdHVyZSBEZXB0L0Nsb3VkIENvbXB1dGluZyDvvIYgSVQgSW5zdGl0dXRlL0Nsb3VkIENvbXB1 dGluZyDvvIZJVCBPcGVyYXRpb24NCg0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCuWNl+S6rOW4gumbqOiKseWP sOWMuui9r+S7tuWkp+mBkzUw5Y+35Lit5YW06YCa6K6v5LqM5Yy6DQpOby41MCwgUnVhbmppYW5k YWRhbyBSb2FkLCBaVEUgQ29ycC4gMm5kIEFyZWEsDQoNCll1aHVhdGFpIERpc3RyaWN0LCBOYW5q aW5nLCBQLi5SLkNoaW5hLCA1MTgwNTcNCg0KVDogKzg2IDAyNSA4ODAxNDY0MSBNOiArODYgMTM4 MTM4MjY3OTcNCkU6IHdhbmcubGlhbmcxMkB6dGUuY29tLmNuIA0Kd3d3Lnp0ZS5jb20uY24NCg0K DQoNCg0KDQotLS0tIOWPkeiHqiB6TWFpbCBQQ+eJiCAtLS0tDQoNCg0KDQrljp/lp4vpgq7ku7YN Cg0KDQoNCuWPkeS7tuS6uu+8mlBhdWxFLkpvbmVzDQrmlLbku7bkurrvvJog77ycc2cxNi1hdmRA bGlzdHMucGFja2V0aXplci5jb23vvJ4NCuS4u+mimO+8mltzZzE2LWF2ZF0gRG9jdW1lbnRzIGZv ciBRMjEvMTYNCuaXpeacn++8mjIwMTblubQwOeaciDE55pelIDA0OjM3DQoNCg0KDQoNCg0KUTIx LzE2IEV4cGVydHMsDQpJIGhhdmUgcG9zdGVkIGFsbCBvZiB0aGUgZG9jdW1lbnRzIEkgaGF2ZSBy ZWNlaXZlZCBzbyBmYXIuICBVbmZvcnR1bmF0ZWx5LCBJIGRvIG5vdCBoYXZlIEFWRC00Nzg2IHRv IEFWRC00Nzk1LiAgSSB3b3VsZCBraW5kbHkgcmVxdWVzdCB0aGUgYXV0aG9ycyB0byBlaXRoZXIg ZW1haWwgdGhvc2UgdG8gbWUgb3IgcG9zdCB0aGVtIGluIHRoZSBJbmNvbWluZyBkaXJlY3Rvcnkg b2YgdGhlIEZUUCBzaXRlIChhcyBwZXIgdGhlIGluc3RydWN0aW9ucyBvbiB0aGUgbWVldGluZyBp bnZpdGF0aW9uKS4NCg0KRm9yIGEgY3VycmVudCBsaXN0IG9mIGFsbCBkb2N1bWVudHMsIHBsZWFz ZSByZWZlciB0bzoNCmh0dHA6Ly9mdHAzLml0dS5pbnQvYXYtYXJjaC9hdmMtc2l0ZS8yMDEzLTIw MTYvMTYwOV9DaGEvMTUwNl9DaGEuaHRtbA0KDQpJIGhhdmUgYWxzbyBhY3RpdmF0ZWQgdGhlIGxp bmsgZm9yIHJlcXVlc3RpbmcgVEQgbnVtYmVycy4gSWYgdGhhdCBsaW5rIGlzIGluYWNjZXNzaWJs ZSwgZmVlbCBmcmVlIHRvIHNlbmQgbWUgYW4gZW1haWwgcHJpb3IgdG8gdGhlIG1lZXRpbmcgdG8g cmVxdWVzdCBhIFREIG51bWJlci4NCg0KU2luY2UgSSB3aWxsIG5vdCBiZSBwcmVzZW50IGF0IHRo ZSBtZWV0aW5nIGFuZCBzaW5jZSB0aGUgQ2hpbmVzZSBnb3Zlcm5tZW50IG9mdGVuIGJsb2NrcyBh Y2Nlc3MgdG8gR29vZ2xlJ3Mgc2VydmljZXMgZnJvbSBpbnNpZGUgQ2hpbmEsIGl0IG1heSBiZSBu ZWNlc3NhcnkgdG8gY29vcmRpbmF0ZSBsb2NhbGx5IGF0IHRoZSBtZWV0aW5nIHRvIGFzc2lnbiBk b2N1bWVudCBudW1iZXJzLiAgS2FpIGFuZCBJIHdpbGwgZmlndXJlIG91dCBzb21ldGhpbmcgc28g dGhhdCB0aGUgbWVldGluZyBydW5zIHNtb290aGx5Lg0KDQpQYXVs

Liang, Those were all in a batch that Miao sent previously, but I didn't realize they were complete since the only request was for a document number. I'll process these and upload them later today. Paul ------ Original Message ------ From: "王亮00039383 " <wang.liang12@zte.com.cn> To: "PaulE.Jones " <paulej@packetizer.com> Cc: "sg16-avd@lists.packetizer.com " <sg16-avd@lists.packetizer.com> Sent: 9/18/2016 8:31:06 PM Subject: 答复: [sg16-avd] Documents for Q21/16
Hi Paul,
I haven't seen these two listed either:
AVD-4787- H.IVSArch: reference points between IPU and other units AVD-4788 - H.IVSArch: registration and configuration service control flow for IC
please reupload thanks.
王亮 Wangliang
Standard Engineer 系统架构部/云计算及IT研究院/云计算及IT产品经营部System Architecture Dept/Cloud Computing & IT Institute/Cloud Computing &IT Operation
南京市雨花台区软件大道50号中兴通讯二区 No.50, Ruanjiandadao Road, ZTE Corp. 2nd Area,
Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, P..R.China, 518057
T: +86 025 88014641 M: +86 13813826797 E: wang.liang12@zte.com.cn www.zte.com.cn ---- 发自 zMail PC版 ---- 原始邮件 发件人:PaulE.Jones 收件人: <sg16-avd@lists.packetizer.com> 主题:[sg16-avd] Documents for Q21/16 日期:2016年09月19日 04:37
Q21/16 Experts, I have posted all of the documents I have received so far. Unfortunately, I do not have AVD-4786 to AVD-4795. I would kindly request the authors to either email those to me or post them in the Incoming directory of the FTP site (as per the instructions on the meeting invitation).
For a current list of all documents, please refer to: http://ftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/2013-2016/1609_Cha/1506_Cha.html
I have also activated the link for requesting TD numbers. If that link is inaccessible, feel free to send me an email prior to the meeting to request a TD number.
Since I will not be present at the meeting and since the Chinese government often blocks access to Google's services from inside China, it may be necessary to coordinate locally at the meeting to assign document numbers. Kai and I will figure out something so that the meeting runs smoothly.

Dear Paul, I sent all contributions to you while asking the document number. Was the attached ZIP file blocked? Anyway, I have uploaded AVD-4787~AVD-4795(all from ZTE) to the FTP site (Incoming directory). Please check if it is OK. Sorry for any inconvenience. BG Miao ZTE 发件人: "Paul E. Jones" <paulej@packetizer.com> 收件人: "sg16-avd@lists.packetizer.com" <sg16-avd@lists.packetizer.com>, 日期: 2016/09/19 04:37 主题: [sg16-avd] Documents for Q21/16 发件人: "sg16-avd" <sg16-avd-bounces@lists.packetizer.com> Q21/16 Experts, I have posted all of the documents I have received so far. Unfortunately, I do not have AVD-4786 to AVD-4795. I would kindly request the authors to either email those to me or post them in the Incoming directory of the FTP site (as per the instructions on the meeting invitation). For a current list of all documents, please refer to: http://ftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/2013-2016/1609_Cha/1506_Cha.html I have also activated the link for requesting TD numbers. If that link is inaccessible, feel free to send me an email prior to the meeting to request a TD number. Since I will not be present at the meeting and since the Chinese government often blocks access to Google's services from inside China, it may be necessary to coordinate locally at the meeting to assign document numbers. Kai and I will figure out something so that the meeting runs smoothly. Paul

Miao, Yes, I have them. I did not realize that you considered them complete and ready for upload. I'll process those later today. Paul ------ Original Message ------ From: miao.chuanyang@zte.com.cn To: "Paul E. Jones" <paulej@packetizer.com> Cc: "sg16-avd@lists.packetizer.com" <sg16-avd@lists.packetizer.com>; "sg16-avd" <sg16-avd-bounces@lists.packetizer.com> Sent: 9/19/2016 2:40:31 AM Subject: 答复: [sg16-avd] Documents for Q21/16
Dear Paul,
I sent all contributions to you while asking the document number. Was the attached ZIP file blocked? Anyway, I have uploaded AVD-4787~AVD-4795(all from ZTE) to the FTP site (Incoming directory). Please check if it is OK.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
发件人: "Paul E. Jones" <paulej@packetizer.com> 收件人: "sg16-avd@lists.packetizer.com" <sg16-avd@lists.packetizer.com>, 日期: 2016/09/19 04:37 主题: [sg16-avd] Documents for Q21/16 发件人: "sg16-avd" <sg16-avd-bounces@lists.packetizer.com> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Q21/16 Experts,
I have posted all of the documents I have received so far. Unfortunately, I do not have AVD-4786 to AVD-4795. I would kindly request the authors to either email those to me or post them in the Incoming directory of the FTP site (as per the instructions on the meeting invitation).
For a current list of all documents, please refer to: http://ftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/2013-2016/1609_Cha/1506_Cha.html
I have also activated the link for requesting TD numbers. If that link is inaccessible, feel free to send me an email prior to the meeting to request a TD number.
Since I will not be present at the meeting and since the Chinese government often blocks access to Google's services from inside China, it may be necessary to coordinate locally at the meeting to assign document numbers. Kai and I will figure out something so that the meeting runs smoothly.
participants (3)
Paul E. Jones