Fwd:Q.1/16 Rapporteur meeting

*** FYI ***
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 09:45:49 +0200 To: "Q.1/16" <tsg16q1@itu.int> From: Patrick Luthi <patrick.luthi@ties.itu.int> Subject: Q.1/16 Rapporteur meeting Cc: "Rapporteurs WP2":; X-Biglobe-VirusCheck: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 16:45:57 +0900
Dear experts,
Q.D.F,G, 2-5/16 are planning to have a Rapporteur meeting in Beijing, China during the week of May 11-14, 2004.
Q.1 had tentatively planned to hold interim meetings if needed before the November SG16 meeting, but, since I have not heard of any potential contributions or interest from experts to attend such meeting, I would like to announce that Q.1 will not meet at this time. Nevertheless, there will be other opportunities for Q.1 to meet later this year.
Please let me know by April 7, 2004 if you believe that there is a need for Q.1 to hold a Rapporteur meeting in May. After that deadline, I will inform the SG16 management and the TSB that Q.1 will not be meeting.
Best regards,
Patrick Luthi Rapporteur for Q.1/16
participants (1)