Folks, please find attached two TDs. Sorry for posting document here around but, for some couple of days, I have not been able to upload them to the Incoming FTP directory. So if anyone has access, please do on my behalf. Thank you. TD-05 "Agenda SG16 WP2 Q.G Meeting, Dublin, IR, 29 October- 2 November 2001" TD-19 "Liaison to Q.G/16 from SG9 on J.170 Security Issues" Have a good and safe trip to Dublin and CU there! <<TD-5.zip>> <<TD-19.zip>> With kind regards Martin Euchner. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Dipl.-Inf. Phone: +49 89 722 55790 | Martin Euchner Fax : +49 89 722 47713 | Siemens AG | ICN M SR 3 mailto:Martin.Euchner@icn.siemens.de | mailto:martin.euchner@ties.itu.int | Hofmannstr. 51 Intranet: http://intranet.icn.siemens.de/marketing/sr/pages/122/122_euchner.htm | D-81359 Muenchen Internet: http://www.siemens.de/ | __________________ | Germany -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Folks, I know that many have been experiencing problems connecting to standard.pictel.com. It appears that for many people (myself included) that DNS is returning the wrong (perhaps an old) IP address for the machine. However, I called the good folks at PictureTel and learned that the real IP address of the machine is You should be able to access all of the files for the Dublin meeting by using the IP address, rather than the domain name. So, to upload files, go here: To get files for this meeting, go here: Best Regards, Paul ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com
participants (2)
Euchner Martin ICN M SR 3
Paul E. Jones