[itu-sg16] Work Programme for Question 2

Q2 Experts, There are several items on the work programme for Question 2 that we either need to remove or progress. In particular, consider these two items: . H.460.geo - Geographic information in H.323 systems . H.460.presence - Presence information in H.323 systems I had assumed that adding geographic information to H.323 would have been welcomed. It was accepted as a work item, but folks then later asked why it was necessary. Strictly speaking, perhaps it is not. However, there was a desire to enable users to provide geographic information (both coordinate and street address) information to a called party. This might be for emergency services, or simply to let a friend know where you are. This document was considered largely complete, but has not been updated since AVD-2669 <http://ftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/2005-2008/0502_Mel/AVD-2669.zip> was published. I do not know how stale this is with respect to the work in the IETF GEOPRIV working group. Recently, I was asked about this, but I do not know how much interest there really is. We have debated several times whether it is even appropriate to add presence to an H.323 system, especially since external protocols like XMPP are well-designed for providing precisely this kind of capability. Others have argued that, indeed, we do need it. We've never reached a consensus and progress has suffered as a result. I would like to hear opinions (either on the list or privately) as to what you think we should do with both of these. Thanks, Paul
participants (1)
Paul E. Jones