Q3/16 and Q5/16 Experts, Almost all of the documents for the meeting have now been posted. Please see this page for a complete list of documents and links thereto: http://ftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/2013-2016/1411_Seo/1411_Seo.html As I noted in my last email, you can submit a request for a TD number via the link at the top of the HTML page. You can then see your request appear in the list of registered TDs. I will assign numbers in sequential order as per that list, so you can more efficiently prepare and number your TDs. (Note that the list of TDs on Google may contain some not presently listed in the HTML document mentioned above. This is to be expected since requests do go in faster than I can make updates. I will attempt to keep the documents in sync, but please refer to the link at the top of the HTML page for the more recent TD requests.) Cheers! Paul