Folks, A few days ago, I posted a notice that the ASN.1 in H.323v3 was changing. (See the e-mail dated June 2 to this list by me.) This change relates to fields "supportsAnnexECallSignaling" and "useAnnexECallSignaling". I received one e-mail expressing concern, but the company is investigating whether they will have an impact. If I have not heard any concerns expressed by the end of this week, I will assume that the agreed change does not effect any current implementations in production and that this change will be put forward for acceptance by the ITU. It is absolutely critical that we have agreement on this issue now, rather than later, so that we can prevent interoperability problems as people roll out H.323v3 products later this year. Best Regards, Paul E. Jones Editor, H.323 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com