All, Attached is the announcement for the next meeting of TIA TR-30.1. One of the primary tasks for this meeting is to make significant progress on modem-over IP. At our December meeting, it was agreed that we must be more proactive in driving the work on Annexes to H.323 and H.248 to support V.moip. The goal, albeit agressive, is still to complete the work on V.moip by the February SG16 meeting. If we are able to accomplish this, we will need to make sure that supporting Annexes to the aforementioned Recommendations are also ready for approval. With this in mind, Herb Wildfeuer (Cisco) has volunteered to act as the Editor for these Annexes and to try to prepare a first draft for our January meeting. He will be soliciting help from ITU-T Q2,3/16 committee members as well as members of ITU-T Q11/16 and TIA TR-30.1 between now and our January meeting via E-mail reflector. Please help Herb with this difficult task. I would also like to invite interested members of Q2,3/16 to participate in our January meeting. Another key issue that we need to make progress on is call discrimination for V.moip, and the coordination of this with the work on T.38 Annex 3. There has been a flurry of activity on the TIA TR-30.5 E-mail reflector recently on this subject. Between this discussion and discussions at the last TR-30.1 meeting, it is clear that there are some fundamental disagreements concerning what V.moip should specify with respect to call discrimination. I would like to encourage further discussion on this subject on both the TR-30.5 and TR-30.1 E-mail reflectors, and by a larger cross section of our membership, before our January meeting. If we are unable to resolve the differences by the January meeting, I very much doubt that we will be able to Consent V.moip in February. I would also like to invite interested members of Q14/16 to participate in our January meeting. I look forward to seeing you in sunny California. Les Brown, Chair TIA TR-30.1, Rapporteur Q11/16