Dear Q.11-15 experts, Attached find please the rev.3 of H.245 codepoints for MPEG-4 visual (q11h17/apc1457). The change from rev.2 is only on the default value of the drawingOrder as in the Q.11 meeting report. In the determination version (and in rev.2), the default value of the drawingOrder was 0. It is equal to the minimum value of the drawingOrder. It makes a limitation that a logical channel cannot has the smaller drawingOrder value than that of the logical channel formally opened without indicating drawingOrder. This means that a visual object cannot drawn Behind the visual object associated with the formally opened logical channel with default drawingOrder. I changed the default value to 32768, which is the middle of maximum and minimum values. Please note that the format of rev.3 is quit changed form rev.2 as the delta from H.245 ver.4, but the contents should be the same expect for the above change. If you have any comment on it, please send a message until the end of this week. I will make changes with reflecting all comments, and will send it to the H.245 editor (Mr. Mike Nilsson) next week. Best regards, Yoshihiro -----Original Message----- From: Yoshihiro Kikuchi <> To: <>; <> Cc: Yoshihiro Kikuchi <> Date: Sunday, November 22, 1998 6:47 PM Subject: [wg5-3: 2134] q11h17/apc1457 rev. 2
Dear Gary, Mike and Q.11-15 experts,
The attached mail is the one I tried to send last week during the Torino meeting but not accomplished by a network trouble. I'm sending this again. I'm also attaching the 2nd. revision of q11h17/apc1457 which is the last revision reviewed in the Torino meeting.
As in the Q.11 meeting report, I should make another revision on the default value of the drawingOrder. I will send the revised document soon.
Best regards, Yoshihiro
---- Yoshihiro Kikuchi E-mail: Research and Development Center TEL: +81 +44 549 2151 Toshiba Corp. FAX: +81 +44 520 1308