Experts, As you know, I have posted a document to this list a number of times seeking comments on corrections that need to be applied to H.323v4 and H.225.0v4. I was given permission by the TSB to make these changes, but before such changes are made, I want to give you one last opportunity to comment. To this date, every comment that I have received has been one of agreement-- I have heard no objections. The ASN.1 found in this document is the same as that which has been posted to the Packetizer web-site and I know that several companies have already grabbed that ASN.1 for implementation purposes. I don't believe there should be any contentious issues in this document, but I wanted to give you one last opportunity to review and comment. Please send comments directly to me and/or post them to this list. If I hear no objections, I will forward this document to the TSB for inclusion in the final published H.225.0v4 and H.323v4. Thanks, Paul