As some of you know, there are new proposed work items within ITU-T SG16 address topics that I know are of interest to most of the people on this mailing list. Those are: a.. H.323 and SIP Interworking b.. NAT/FW Traversal Requirements and Protocols I would very much like to see contributions on both of these topics at the upcoming SG16 meeting in January. Both topics have often been discussed, but discussion is about as far as things have gone. If there is significant interest-- and there seems to be thus far-- we will form a new Question specifically on the topic of NAT/FW. However, until that happens, I am quite happy to accept those into Question D/16.
I look forward to some constructive proposals, analysis/report of work done elsewhere, requirements, etc.
Best Regards, Paul E. Jones Interim Rapporteur, Q.D/16