Mr. Okubo, I reviewed all of those proposed changes and agree with them. Will somebody prepare a contribution for either the IG and/or a corrigendum? Paul
-----Original Message----- From: OKUBO Sakae [mailto:okubo@MXZ.MESH.NE.JP] Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:08 AM To: itu-sg16@external.cisco.com Subject: Editorial errors in H.460.18
Dear Q5/16 experts,
TTC (The Telecommunication Technology Committee, http://www.ttc.or.jp/e/index.html) / Media Coding WG / Multimedia System SWG that I am chairing has closely looked at H.460.18 (09/2005) to make it a TTC standard. In the course of this work, we have found some editorial errors as annotated in the following document:
http://avguest@ftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/2005-2008/0611_Gen/H.460.18- ORG_corrected_061026.zip
Since the figures are not editable, findings are listed after the figure caption.
Please review it and we would appreciate if Editor could produce a list of known corrections in form of Implementors' Guide.
-- Best regards,
OKUBO Sakae e-mail: okubo@aoni.waseda.jp (<== sokubo@waseda.jp, valid until 31 March 2007) Visiting Professor Global Information and Telecommunication Institute (GITI) Waseda University ****************************************************************** Waseda University, YRP Ichibankan 312 Tel: +81 46 847 5406 3-4 Hikarinooka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken Fax: +81 46 847 5413 239-0847 Japan H.323 videoconferencing: arranged by advice ******************************************************************