Dear Sakae OKUBO, As Ameneh explained to you, we would like to discuss the attached contribution (itu.doc) at the next SG16 Q12-14/16 meeting. We realized today that is was not registered in your list, and feel very sorry for disturbing your preparation. We sincerly apologize for this very late presentation and will provide the copies on site. I am probably totally wrong with the contribution numbering (I understood that it could be 1444, but I am not sure if we got any confirmation). Can I insit on the fact that it is just a proposal for information and discussion, not more. We would be very happy to get some feed back on it. Gerald Roullet that will attend your 4 days meeting, could present quickly the concepts on the diagram attached (itu.ppt). Very best regards Martine Lapierre ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice President Products and Marketing Alcatel Switching Systems Division phone + 33 1 3077 0032 e-mail martine.lapierre@alcatel.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------