Folks, For some reason, I received this message as an error by the mailing list server. I'm forwarding it to the list again, but if you received it already, please accept my apologies. Paul
-----Original Message----- From: [mailto:itu-sg16-] On Behalf Of Tsuyoshi Yamashita Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 4:36 AM To:; Cc: モレノ@ブラジル Subject: Re: [itu-sg16] [T9&16IPTV] Information about Q13/16 electronic meeting (Sessions on Wed from 25 Aug to 8 Sep)
Dear Q13/16 Chairs and Experts,
Attached is a contribution for electronic meeting on 9/1 regarding H.701 conformity test (H.IPTV-CONF.1). A main proposal is how to evaluate the conformity of baselayer FEC mechanism for streaming services.
Best Regards, Tsuyoshi Yamashita
Dear experts of Q13/16
As announced previously by Simao, we will have an electronic meeting on 25 Aug.2010 (Wed). The details of the meeting is given in the mail attached below. Please give us any contributions to be discussed.
Thanking you in advance, and looking forward to talking to you soon,
Best regards
Masahito Kawamori
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 6:43 PM,<> wrote:
Dear all,
Please be informed that different from what was planned in the meeting report of Q13/16 (TD_224R1/Plen), the electronic meeting of Q13/16 is expected to start not on 25 Aug 2010, rather than 11 Aug 2010 (yesterday).
The sessions will take place Wed 25 Aug, 1& 8 Sep 2010, 14:00-16:00 Geneva time (URL for time and date on various locations:, valid for the three sessions).
The topic for discussions are: - progress Q13/16 documents on IPTV conformance and interoperability testing
The call and GoToMeeting details are as follows.
Audio bridge: +41 22 730 5384 Pin Code: 5632
Meeting URL: Meeting Password: sg16q13 Meeting ID: 873-947-344
It is requested that Contributions to a particular session of the e-meeting be made available by Monday of that week, and sent to the Rapporteur cc: to the two mailing lists above ( and
** The Rapporteur Mr Kawamori will send updated details as they become available to these two mailing lists. **
NOTE: The need for additional electronic meetings will be reassessed at the planned interim Q13 meetings in Singapore (Sep 2010) and Pune (Dec 2010).
Best regards, Simao
-- ------------------------------------------------------------- Tsuyoshi Yamashita
Network System Department Information & Communication Laboratories Sumitomo Electric Industries, LTD. TEL +81-6-6466-5607 FAX +81-6-6462-4586 1-1-3, Shimaya, Konohana-ku, Osaka, 554-0024 Japan -------------------------------------------------------------