Whoops! There is the same problem with LocationRejectReason and aliasesInconsistent--it also changed position between IGv2 and H.225.0v3.
Yes, indeed there was a problem with the LRJ reason. However, that one was pointed out and has been corrected. The H.323 Implementers Guide shows a correction for that and the ASN.1 on Packetizer has the fields in order according to the Implementers Guide. Unfortunately, the ARJ reason wasn't pointed out-- or else I neglected to make that change for the Implementers Guide. In any case, we have a chance to correct it. I know there will be opposition either way we go, but my own preference is to make the change so that H.323v2 is not broken. Also, making the change to the ARJ reason sequence would then be consistent with the change we made for the LRJ reason.
I never did like H.323 IGs being normative. Too dangerous. If normative, IGs should only be used for clarification and true corrections, not for _any_ modifications no matter how innocuous they may seem. For H.324, IGs were not normative and merely somewhere to write down the things we were going to change in the _next_ version until the next version came out.
FWIW, Smith Micro skipped v2 and went straight from v1 to v3, so we use
Being the editor of the H.323-series implementers guide, I can tell you right now that I would be more than happy to see that document less inflated :-) This is an issue that deserves such attention, but I agree that need to be more careful with the Implementers Guide additions in the future. the
Decided v3 syntax for ARJ and not the v2 syntax as modified by IGv2.
BTW, I didn't see this latest email from you on the implementers reflectors. In case we have a disjoint set of participants, you need to keep them in
Noted... now these decisions are getting no easier :-) the
loop, too.
Some of the mailing lists alter the To: lines, which result in disjoint discussions. That's unfortunate. Paul ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com