Archana, This gets back to my statement of why I've felt that CRVs are of little use-- you really do need something that makes your endpoint unique. There have been a number of problems with CRVs, which is one reason why the CallID was introduced in H.323v2. I recommend following the rules w.r.t. CRVs for the purposes of backward compatibility. It should be safe to use the CRV to differentiate multiple calls over the same call signaling channel (allowed in newer versions of H.323). It should also be safe to assume that the CRV in the originating ARQ is the same as the CRV in the corresponding Setup message. However, I would personally put more weight behind the CallID and using it to differentiate messages. However, there are some messages that do not have the CallID field (this is particularly true prior to V4), so it is important to be able to determine what call the message is for based on the fact the call exists on a separate connection or that the CRV value is properly set. Essentially, two entities existing on the same physical machine will not utilize the same TCP connection to a remote entity, so if those two entities did use the same CRV, the far endpoint shouldn't care. The Gatekeeper may utilize the CRVs and it will recognize the uniqueness of the entities by their RAS address and the assigned endpoint identifier, so I don't think GKs have the same issues as endpoints.
From a practical point of view, what Chris Purvis said makes sense-- the CRVs should be unique only across a single connection. However, the text doesn't seem to support that-- and the idea definitely falls apart once GKs come into the picture. However, if you just originate unique CRVs and ignore CRVs on the called end, except in cases where multiple calls are signaled over the same call signaling channel and relate the CRVs on a very local scope, I believe you will not see any interoperability issues.
I believe that the only real issue that prevents us from looking at CRVs as unique only within a single connection is their use w.r.t. the GK. Perhaps we could examine ways to change this. For certain, CRVs are a "bottleneck". On one hand, they can be used to reference a particular call quickly. On the other hand, it limits an H.323 entity to ~32K calls. It would be very nice to see that restriction lifted-- perhaps retaining the CRV only for backward compatibility, but changing some of the rules when an endpoint is communicating with a V5 or higher Gatekeeper, for example. Paul ----- Original Message ----- From: "Nehru, Archana" <archie@trillium.com> To: "'Paul E. Jones'" <paulej@PACKETIZER.COM> Cc: <ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 9:19 PM Subject: RE: H.225- CRV
Since we agree that CRVs should be unique between two endpoints, what is the ideal behavior in the following case?
Let us say there are two endpoints running on the same machine..which means that they have the same source IP address. Since the two endpoints are independent entities, they will generate CRVs independently. Now let us say both the endpoints make a call to another endpoint/GK with the same CRV. So at the receiver's side, we see two incoming calls with exactly the same CRV and exactly same "source" IP address. Is this a valid configuration? How is a receiver supposed to handle these incoming calls, particularly is there is no "callId"?
Thanks -Archana
-----Original Message----- From: Paul E. Jones [mailto:paulej@PACKETIZER.COM] Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 12:40 PM To: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com Subject: Re: H.225- CRV
Considering that V1 only allowed a single call over a single TCP connection, what would have been the point of a CRV in the Setup message? If they could all be the same, it makes them worthless. (Of course, I've found CRVs in packet-switched systems mostly worthless, but not entirely.)
From H.323: ``One CRV is used to associate the call signalling messages. This CRV shall be used in all call signalling messages between two entities (endpoint to Gatekeeper, endpoint-to-endpoint, etc.) related to the same call.''
Note the text that says "between two entities". If the intent was that these values were only unique "per connection", it would say so. The CRVs are unique between two entities.
From H.225.0: ``Note that the CRV is only unique on a particular part of a call, e.g. between two terminals, or between a terminal and a gatekeeper. If a given terminal has two calls in the same conference, each shall have the same conference ID but different CRVs.''
The latter sentence is more important: when communicating between two entities, it states clearly that there must be different CRVs. Again, with V1 those two calls would have been using different TCP connections, yet the text clearly says the CRVs must be different.
Now, I may be wrong-- this is just my interpretation of the text. I'd like to hear other comments.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Wayman Purvis" <cwp@isdn-comms.co.uk> To: "Paul E. Jones" <paulej@packetizer.com> Cc: <ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 5:16 AM Subject: Re: H.225- CRV
I disagree. CRV is surely unique per connection. One may be well advised to keep it more unique than that, because in gatekeepered environments you're liable to end up with problems if you're not careful because of your note 1 - but if I receive Q.931 messages on separate TCP connections giving the same CRV I shouldn't expect them to refer to the same call. I argue that this is rooted in the principal of TransportAddress throughout the H.323 standards including the SAPI (IP port number) as well as actual address.
Regards, Chris
"Paul E. Jones" wrote:
(a) is closer to the way things actually work.
Essentially, you can use whatever values you wish so long
two calls to the same endpoint using the same CRV value. So, whether two calls to an endpoint use the same TCP connection or different connections, the CRV must be unique.
You should also consider the possibility that an endpoint may have two call signaling addresses. How would you know if this were the case? The safest thing to do is never have two calls with the same CRV at
as you never place the same time.
However, if you know that the destination endpoints are unique, you could re-use the CRV value.. at least when a Gatekeeper is not being used.
There are also so other properties of CRVs: 1) The CRV sent in an ARQ to place a call shall be the same as the CRV in the resulting Setup message 2) The CRV sent in an ARQ to accept a call should *not* be taken from the incoming Setup message-- it should be locally generated so that it is a unique between the endpoint and the GK
----- Original Message ----- From: "Nehru, Archana" <archie@trillium.com> To: "'Paul E. Jones'" <paulej@PACKETIZER.COM> Cc: <ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com> Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 10:28 PM Subject: H.225- CRV
hi all,
I have a question about H.323 -CRV values. Q.931 specs says that a CRV value should be unique per D-channel layer 2 logical link.
In H.225 context, does the above mean that:
a) CRV values should be unique across all outgoing H.225 calls that have the same "destination" IP address ?
b) CRV value only needs to be unique across all H.225 connections using the same TCP connection? In other words, if an endpoint A makes two simultaneous calls to endpoint B, then the same CRV can be used on both the calls, as long as they use different TCP connections?
I would appreciate any help on this.
Regards Archana
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