2) TD-40a defines user without "1*" on purpose, keeping the possibility to have an empty user defintion. In this way both user and host are "optional", but you can exactly parse and understand their meaning. This may be useful in Discovery Procedures (as mentioned in TD-40a).
I changed the syntax as follows: H323-URL = "H323:" [ user ] [ "@" hostport ] and I changed the text below to read ``As indicated in the syntax, the user string and the hostport string are both optional, though at least one shall be present.'' How is that?
3) Use of DNS technology is the main reason... It is not the only one... Agreed, of cause. Still, a short "motivation" phrase to be included into H.323v4 is desired. (I also agree that Annex O should describe the recommended procedures :-)
Motivation without procedure is not very helpful. We must have a contribution that clearly defines the procedure.
4) "Note 4" says "The H323-URL is defined to use a form without brackets".
Perhaps I am missing something here. Specifically what needs to be corrected? Currently, the syntax does not use brackets for IPv4 addresses.
6) In regards to "escaped". I had the same dilemma while writing the original APC-1775. "One of the RFCs " summarizes the explanations already existing in referenced by us general RFCs. So, I think, we don't need a summary here.
Do you recall which RFC and section discusses the "escaped" production? Thanks, Paul ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com