As a follow-up, all of you requiring visa assistance should register ASAP for the meeting. Best regards, Simão From: Campos, Simao Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:08 PM To: t13sg16q13@lists.itu.int; t13sg16q14@lists.itu.int; t13sg16q28@lists.itu.int; t13sg9and16-iptv@lists.itu.int; 'sg16-ast@lists.packetizer.com' Cc: Ntsibane Ntlatlapa (NNtlatlapa@csir.co.za); Queen Montoedi (queen@doc.gov.za); TSB IPTV Secretariat, ITU; Kawamori, Masahito (TIES); Tanikawa, Kazunori (TIES) Subject: Reminder - upcoming IPTV-GSI meeting Dear all This message is a reminder that the next IPTV-GSI meeting will take place in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa, 6-10 May 2013. I refer you to the IPTV-GSI webpage for links to inter alia the circular, logistics, registration and templates. The deadline for contributions is in about 6 days, namely COB Geneva time of the Tuesday 23 April 2013. Contributions prepared using the IPTV-GSI template should be sent to tsbiptv@itu.int<mailto:tsbiptv@itu.int> before the deadline. In order to allow proper preparations, kindly register asap if you are planning on attending. The link is found in the IPTV-GSI page, or directly at http://itu.int/reg/tmisc/3000518. Any visa assistance requests should be directed to the contact point of the host, as detailed in TSB Circular 10. The IPTV-GSI webpage is our resource page for this meeting at http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/gsi/iptv. Looking forward to seeing you there. Best regards Simão Campos