Dear Experts of Q13/16, Q14/16 and Q28/16, This is a reminder to let me know if you plan to join the Q13/16, Q14/16 and Q28/16 Rapporteur’s meeting, 8-12 Juny 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland. Would you please let me know if you plan to submit any contributions as well? BR, Tanikawa Q14/16 Rapporteur
To Experts of ITU-T SG16 Questions 13, 14 and 28
Cc Mr Y Naito, Chairman of SG16 <yushi.naito@ties.itu.int> Mr P Jones, Vice Chairman of SG16 <paulej@packetizer.com> Mr S-H Jeong, Vice Chairman of SG16 <shjeong@hufs.ac.kr> Mr N Luo, Vice Chairman of SG16 <noah@huawei.com> Mr G Daniel, Vice Chairman of SG16 <danielgaby@hotmail.com> Mr M El-Megharbel, Vice Chairman of SG16 <melmegharbel@tra.gov.eg> Mr K Isaev, Vice Chairman of SG16 <kh.isaev@aci.uz> Mr H Kullmann, Vice Chairman of SG16 <Harald.Kullmann@telekom.de> Mr N Ntlatlapa, Vice Chairman of SG16 <Nntlatlapa@csir.co.za> Mr S Campos-Neto, ITU TSB <simao.campos@itu.int>
Mr SH Jeong, Chairman of WP2/SG16 <shjeong@hufs.ac.kr >
Mr M Kawamori, Rapporteur for Q13/16 <kawamori.masahito@lab.ntt.co.jp> Mr M Moreno, Associate Rapporteur for Q13/16 <moreno@ice.ufjf.br> Mr SG Kang, Associate Rapporteur for Q14/16 <sgkang@etri.re.kr> Mr HJ Kim, Rapporteur for Q25/16 <khj@etri.re.kr> Mr J Lee, Rapporteur for Q26/16 <jslee@rim.com> Mr S Pennock, Rapporteur for Q27/16 <spennock@qnx.com> Mr M Kawamori, Rapporteur for Q28/16 <kasamori.masahito@lab.ntt.co.jp>
Dear experts of Q13, Q14 and 28/16
Q13, Q14 and Q28/16 are planning to hold an experts meeting on 8-12 July 2013,in Geneva, as part of IPTV-GSI event.
Details of the proposed meeting in IPTV-GSI is available as TSB circular 28:: <http://www.itu.int/md/T13-TSB-CIR-0028/en> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ According to the SG16 official procedure,in preparation for this Q13, Q14 and Q28 meeting we would like to know:
a) if you intend to come to the meeting, and b) whether you intend to submit any contributions (how many contributions and provisional titles please)
It is essential that we know your intentions so that we can make a decision on whether to go ahead with the meeting or adjust the meeting duration. If there is insufficient interest and/or insufficient contributions then the meeting will not be authorised.
As always, all we need to know is your intentions at this stage - if you could let us have provisional titles for any contributions then this would also help.
Please let us know this information by Saturday 8 June 2013, which is the deadline of IPTV-GSI registration.
Outline of meeting is as follows:
1. Date ^^^^^^^
8 (Monday) - 12 (Friday) July 2013 Rapporteur Meeting will start at 9:30 on the first day and close around 17:30 on the last day.
2. Venue ^^^^^^^^
ITU-T Headquaters, Geneva.
3. Topics (tentative) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The objectives of this meeting were agreed in January (see: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/studygroups/com16/Pages/meetings.aspx) and will be to:
-Progress work on: (For Q13/16) o H.721 o H.762 o H.741.3 o H.IPTV-AM2 o H.IPTV-MAFR.10 o H.IPTV-MAFR.13 o H.IPTV-TDES.3 o H.IPTV-TDES.4 o H.IPTV-TDES.5 o H.IPTV-Widget o HSTP.IPTV-WBSD o HSTP.IPTV-SMTD o HSTP.IPTV-UVS o HSTP.IPTV-Gloss
(For Q28/16) o H.MEDX o H.IDGPHS
- Discuss new work items.
4. Documents ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Documents must be registered by 23:59 UTC, Tuesday 25 June 2013. Submit your contributionss to TSB IPTV secretariat at <tsbiptv@itu.int>
5. Other information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Detailed information on logistic, registration and visa, hotel room reservation is also contained in TSB circular 28.
Many thanks and looking forward to hearing from you by Saturday 8 June.
Best regards
Rapporteur, 13 and 28/16 Masahito Kawamori
Rapporteur, 14/16 Kazunori Tanikawa
------------------------------------ Kazunori TANIKAWA Carrier Network Business Unit NEC Corporation tel:+81-3-3798-5229(ex.10-74131)
------------------------------------ Kazunori TANIKAWA Carrier Network Business Unit NEC Corporation tel:+81-3-3798-5229(ex.10-74131)