Incorrect include directive in h323caps.h

Trying to compile an app (yate3) with h323plus 2010-05-25 cvs ( from gnugk site ) I've got the following error:
In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:289:31: error: ../include/codecs.h: No such file or directory <<<
My setup is ptlib 2.8.2, 'configure --prefix=$HOME', make opt, make install. h323plus 2010-05-25 cvs, 'configure ..... --prefix=$HOME', make opt, make install. I end up having the following include directory: folarte@gkaps ~ $ ls -l ~/include total 44 drwxr-xr-x 8 folarte folarte 4096 Aug 10 18:12 openh323 -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 23668 Aug 10 18:08 ptbuildopts.h drwxr-xr-x 2 folarte folarte 4096 Aug 10 18:08 ptclib drwxr-xr-x 3 folarte folarte 4096 Aug 10 18:08 ptlib -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 4794 Aug 10 18:08 ptlib.h folarte@gkaps ~ $ find include -name h323caps.h -ls 1056359 104 -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 105274 Aug 10 18:12 include/openh323/h323caps.h folarte@gkaps ~ $ find include -name codecs.h -ls 1056338 44 -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 44804 Aug 10 18:12 include/openh323/codecs.h And the compilation command issued by yate seems correct: make[1]: Entering directory `/home/folarte/src/yate/modules' g++ -Wall -I.. -I.. -O2 -fno-check-new -fno-exceptions -fPIC -DHAVE_GCC_FORMAT_CHECK -finline -Winline -export-dynamic -shared -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs -Wl,--retain-symbols-file,/dev/null -o h323chan.yate -DPHAS_TEMPLATES -D_REENTRANT -DP_HAS_SEMAPHORES -I/home/folarte/include/ptlib -I/home/folarte/include/openh323 h323chan.cpp -L/home/folarte/lib -lopenh323 -L/home/folarte/lib -lpt -L.. -lyate In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:289:31: error: ../include/codecs.h: No such file or directory In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/channels.h:190, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:290, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: Browsing cvs for h323caps.c I've found:
Revision 1.15 - (view) (download) (as text) (annotate) - [select for diffs] Fri Aug 21 04:35:47 2009 UTC (11 months, 2 weeks ago) by shorne Branch: MAIN Changes since 1.14: +4 -1 lines Diff to previous 1.14
Expressly reference codecs.h to avoid problems with windows SDK codecs.h *** h323caps.h 2009/07/09 15:11:12 1.14 --- h323caps.h 2009/08/21 04:35:47 1.15 *************** *** 27,32 **** --- 27,35 ---- * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * $Log: h323caps.h,v $ + * Revision 1.15 2009/08/21 04:35:47 shorne + * Expressly reference codecs.h to avoid problems with windows SDK codecs.h + * * Revision 1.14 2009/07/09 15:11:12 shorne * Simplfied and standardised compiler directives * *************** *** 274,280 **** #endif ! #include "codecs.h" #include "channels.h" #include "mediafmt.h" --- 277,283 ---- #endif ! #include "../include/codecs.h" #include "channels.h" #include "mediafmt.h" <<<<<<<<< This may fix up problems in windows, but leads to a problem when using the installed version. During make phase in h323 headers are $BASE/h323plus/include, but they get installed to $PREFIX/include/openh323, and become incorrect. I don't know how to fix up these in windows, apart of renaming codecs.h to h323_codecs.h, but I thing reverting the fix should make it work again. Making a symbolic link: folarte@gkaps ~/include $ ln -s openh323 include folarte@gkaps ~/include $ ls -l include lrwxrwxrwx 1 folarte folarte 8 Aug 10 19:32 include -> openh323 Makes it work again ( note it includes properly, warns later on): make[1]: Entering directory `/home/folarte/src/yate/modules' g++ -Wall -I.. -I.. -O2 -fno-check-new -fno-exceptions -fPIC -DHAVE_GCC_FORMAT_CHECK -finline -Winline -export-dynamic -shared -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs -Wl,--retain-symbols-file,/dev/null -o h323chan.yate -DPHAS_TEMPLATES -D_REENTRANT -DP_HAS_SEMAPHORES -I/home/folarte/include/ptlib -I/home/folarte/include/openh323 h323chan.cpp -L/home/folarte/lib -lopenh323 -L/home/folarte/lib -lpt -L.. -lyate In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/../include/codecs.h:345, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:289, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: /home/folarte/include/ptlib/ptlib/object.h: In member function 'virtual PBoolean<unnamed>::YateH323_ExternalRTPChannel::InternalIsDescendant(const char*) const': /home/folarte/include/ptlib/ptlib/object.h:1107: warning: inlining failed in call to 'virtual PBoolean PObject::InternalIsDescendant(const char*) const': call is unlikely and code size would grow /home/folarte/include/openh323/channels.h:248: warning: called from here but it's an horrible hack. Regards. Francisco Olarte.

I agree we should fix this, but renaming the include file is not an option. That could break lots of other applications. Going back to the plain #include "codecs.h" and fixing the order of Windows include paths seems like a better solution. What do you think, Simon ? Regards, Jan Francisco Olarte (M) wrote:
Trying to compile an app (yate3) with h323plus 2010-05-25 cvs ( from gnugk site ) I've got the following error:
In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:289:31: error: ../include/codecs.h: No such file or directory <<<
My setup is ptlib 2.8.2, 'configure --prefix=$HOME', make opt, make install. h323plus 2010-05-25 cvs, 'configure ..... --prefix=$HOME', make opt, make install.
I end up having the following include directory:
folarte@gkaps ~ $ ls -l ~/include total 44 drwxr-xr-x 8 folarte folarte 4096 Aug 10 18:12 openh323 -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 23668 Aug 10 18:08 ptbuildopts.h drwxr-xr-x 2 folarte folarte 4096 Aug 10 18:08 ptclib drwxr-xr-x 3 folarte folarte 4096 Aug 10 18:08 ptlib -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 4794 Aug 10 18:08 ptlib.h folarte@gkaps ~ $ find include -name h323caps.h -ls 1056359 104 -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 105274 Aug 10 18:12 include/openh323/h323caps.h folarte@gkaps ~ $ find include -name codecs.h -ls 1056338 44 -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 44804 Aug 10 18:12 include/openh323/codecs.h
And the compilation command issued by yate seems correct:
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/folarte/src/yate/modules' g++ -Wall -I.. -I.. -O2 -fno-check-new -fno-exceptions -fPIC -DHAVE_GCC_FORMAT_CHECK -finline -Winline -export-dynamic -shared -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs -Wl,--retain-symbols-file,/dev/null -o h323chan.yate -DPHAS_TEMPLATES -D_REENTRANT -DP_HAS_SEMAPHORES -I/home/folarte/include/ptlib -I/home/folarte/include/openh323 h323chan.cpp -L/home/folarte/lib -lopenh323 -L/home/folarte/lib -lpt -L.. -lyate In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:289:31: error: ../include/codecs.h: No such file or directory In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/channels.h:190, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:290, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32:
Browsing cvs for h323caps.c I've found:
Revision 1.15 - (view) (download) (as text) (annotate) - [select for diffs] Fri Aug 21 04:35:47 2009 UTC (11 months, 2 weeks ago) by shorne Branch: MAIN Changes since 1.14: +4 -1 lines Diff to previous 1.14
Expressly reference codecs.h to avoid problems with windows SDK codecs.h
*** h323caps.h 2009/07/09 15:11:12 1.14 --- h323caps.h 2009/08/21 04:35:47 1.15 *************** *** 27,32 **** --- 27,35 ---- * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * $Log: h323caps.h,v $ + * Revision 1.15 2009/08/21 04:35:47 shorne + * Expressly reference codecs.h to avoid problems with windows SDK codecs.h + * * Revision 1.14 2009/07/09 15:11:12 shorne * Simplfied and standardised compiler directives * *************** *** 274,280 **** #endif
! #include "codecs.h" #include "channels.h" #include "mediafmt.h"
--- 277,283 ---- #endif
! #include "../include/codecs.h" #include "channels.h" #include "mediafmt.h"
This may fix up problems in windows, but leads to a problem when using the installed version.
During make phase in h323 headers are $BASE/h323plus/include, but they get installed to $PREFIX/include/openh323, and become incorrect.
I don't know how to fix up these in windows, apart of renaming codecs.h to h323_codecs.h, but I thing reverting the fix should make it work again.
Making a symbolic link: folarte@gkaps ~/include $ ln -s openh323 include folarte@gkaps ~/include $ ls -l include lrwxrwxrwx 1 folarte folarte 8 Aug 10 19:32 include -> openh323
Makes it work again ( note it includes properly, warns later on):
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/folarte/src/yate/modules' g++ -Wall -I.. -I.. -O2 -fno-check-new -fno-exceptions -fPIC -DHAVE_GCC_FORMAT_CHECK -finline -Winline -export-dynamic -shared -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs -Wl,--retain-symbols-file,/dev/null -o h323chan.yate -DPHAS_TEMPLATES -D_REENTRANT -DP_HAS_SEMAPHORES -I/home/folarte/include/ptlib -I/home/folarte/include/openh323 h323chan.cpp -L/home/folarte/lib -lopenh323 -L/home/folarte/lib -lpt -L.. -lyate In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/../include/codecs.h:345, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:289, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: /home/folarte/include/ptlib/ptlib/object.h: In member function 'virtual PBoolean<unnamed>::YateH323_ExternalRTPChannel::InternalIsDescendant(const char*) const': /home/folarte/include/ptlib/ptlib/object.h:1107: warning: inlining failed in call to 'virtual PBoolean PObject::InternalIsDescendant(const char*) const': call is unlikely and code size would grow /home/folarte/include/openh323/channels.h:248: warning: called from here
but it's an horrible hack.
Regards. Francisco Olarte.
-- Jan Willamowius,,

Jan The include file issue only effects windows with the latest Windows SDK. Unfortunately you can't just change the include path order. There is a compiler directive in the current CVS to distinguish the two include statements. #ifdef _MSC_VER #include "../include/codecs.h" #else #include "codecs.h" #endif This seems to work ok. Simon -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jan Willamowius Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 5:36 AM To: Subject: Re: [h323plus] Incorrect include directive in h323caps.h I agree we should fix this, but renaming the include file is not an option. That could break lots of other applications. Going back to the plain #include "codecs.h" and fixing the order of Windows include paths seems like a better solution. What do you think, Simon ? Regards, Jan Francisco Olarte (M) wrote:
Trying to compile an app (yate3) with h323plus 2010-05-25 cvs ( from gnugk site ) I've got the following error:
In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:289:31: error: ../include/codecs.h: No such file or directory <<<
My setup is ptlib 2.8.2, 'configure --prefix=$HOME', make opt, make install. h323plus 2010-05-25 cvs, 'configure ..... --prefix=$HOME', make opt, make install.
I end up having the following include directory:
folarte@gkaps ~ $ ls -l ~/include total 44 drwxr-xr-x 8 folarte folarte 4096 Aug 10 18:12 openh323 -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 23668 Aug 10 18:08 ptbuildopts.h drwxr-xr-x 2 folarte folarte 4096 Aug 10 18:08 ptclib drwxr-xr-x 3 folarte folarte 4096 Aug 10 18:08 ptlib -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 4794 Aug 10 18:08 ptlib.h folarte@gkaps ~ $ find include -name h323caps.h -ls 1056359 104 -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 105274 Aug 10 18:12 include/openh323/h323caps.h folarte@gkaps ~ $ find include -name codecs.h -ls 1056338 44 -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 44804 Aug 10 18:12 include/openh323/codecs.h
And the compilation command issued by yate seems correct:
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/folarte/src/yate/modules' g++ -Wall -I.. -I.. -O2 -fno-check-new -fno-exceptions -fPIC -DHAVE_GCC_FORMAT_CHECK -finline -Winline -export-dynamic -shared -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs -Wl,--retain-symbols-file,/dev/null -o h323chan.yate -DPHAS_TEMPLATES -D_REENTRANT -DP_HAS_SEMAPHORES -I/home/folarte/include/ptlib -I/home/folarte/include/openh323 h323chan.cpp -L/home/folarte/lib -lopenh323 -L/home/folarte/lib -lpt -L.. -lyate In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:289:31: error: ../include/codecs.h: No such file or directory In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/channels.h:190, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:290, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32:
Browsing cvs for h323caps.c I've found:
Revision 1.15 - (view) (download) (as text) (annotate) - [select for diffs] Fri Aug 21 04:35:47 2009 UTC (11 months, 2 weeks ago) by shorne Branch: MAIN Changes since 1.14: +4 -1 lines Diff to previous 1.14
Expressly reference codecs.h to avoid problems with windows SDK codecs.h
*** h323caps.h 2009/07/09 15:11:12 1.14 --- h323caps.h 2009/08/21 04:35:47 1.15 *************** *** 27,32 **** --- 27,35 ---- * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * $Log: h323caps.h,v $ + * Revision 1.15 2009/08/21 04:35:47 shorne + * Expressly reference codecs.h to avoid problems with windows SDK + codecs.h + * * Revision 1.14 2009/07/09 15:11:12 shorne * Simplfied and standardised compiler directives * *************** *** 274,280 **** #endif
! #include "codecs.h" #include "channels.h" #include "mediafmt.h"
--- 277,283 ---- #endif
! #include "../include/codecs.h" #include "channels.h" #include "mediafmt.h"
This may fix up problems in windows, but leads to a problem when using the installed version.
During make phase in h323 headers are $BASE/h323plus/include, but they get installed to $PREFIX/include/openh323, and become incorrect.
I don't know how to fix up these in windows, apart of renaming codecs.h to h323_codecs.h, but I thing reverting the fix should make it work again.
Making a symbolic link: folarte@gkaps ~/include $ ln -s openh323 include folarte@gkaps ~/include $ ls -l include lrwxrwxrwx 1 folarte folarte 8 Aug 10 19:32 include -> openh323
Makes it work again ( note it includes properly, warns later on):
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/folarte/src/yate/modules' g++ -Wall -I.. -I.. -O2 -fno-check-new -fno-exceptions -fPIC -DHAVE_GCC_FORMAT_CHECK -finline -Winline -export-dynamic -shared -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs -Wl,--retain-symbols-file,/dev/null -o h323chan.yate -DPHAS_TEMPLATES -D_REENTRANT -DP_HAS_SEMAPHORES -I/home/folarte/include/ptlib -I/home/folarte/include/openh323 h323chan.cpp -L/home/folarte/lib -lopenh323 -L/home/folarte/lib -lpt -L.. -lyate In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/../include/codecs.h:345, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:289, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: /home/folarte/include/ptlib/ptlib/object.h: In member function 'virtual PBoolean<unnamed>::YateH323_ExternalRTPChannel::InternalIsDescendant(c onst char*) const': /home/folarte/include/ptlib/ptlib/object.h:1107: warning: inlining failed in call to 'virtual PBoolean PObject::InternalIsDescendant(const char*) const': call is unlikely and code size would grow /home/folarte/include/openh323/channels.h:248: warning: called from here
but it's an horrible hack.
Regards. Francisco Olarte.
-- Jan Willamowius,,

I've put this workaround into the CVS. It was missing in h323caps.h. Regards, Jan Simon Horne wrote:
The include file issue only effects windows with the latest Windows SDK. Unfortunately you can't just change the include path order. There is a compiler directive in the current CVS to distinguish the two include statements.
#ifdef _MSC_VER #include "../include/codecs.h" #else #include "codecs.h" #endif
This seems to work ok.
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jan Willamowius Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 5:36 AM To: Subject: Re: [h323plus] Incorrect include directive in h323caps.h
I agree we should fix this, but renaming the include file is not an option. That could break lots of other applications.
Going back to the plain #include "codecs.h" and fixing the order of Windows include paths seems like a better solution.
What do you think, Simon ?
Regards, Jan
Francisco Olarte (M) wrote:
Trying to compile an app (yate3) with h323plus 2010-05-25 cvs ( from gnugk site ) I've got the following error:
In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:289:31: error: ../include/codecs.h: No such file or directory <<<
My setup is ptlib 2.8.2, 'configure --prefix=$HOME', make opt, make install. h323plus 2010-05-25 cvs, 'configure ..... --prefix=$HOME', make opt, make install.
I end up having the following include directory:
folarte@gkaps ~ $ ls -l ~/include total 44 drwxr-xr-x 8 folarte folarte 4096 Aug 10 18:12 openh323 -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 23668 Aug 10 18:08 ptbuildopts.h drwxr-xr-x 2 folarte folarte 4096 Aug 10 18:08 ptclib drwxr-xr-x 3 folarte folarte 4096 Aug 10 18:08 ptlib -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 4794 Aug 10 18:08 ptlib.h folarte@gkaps ~ $ find include -name h323caps.h -ls 1056359 104 -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 105274 Aug 10 18:12 include/openh323/h323caps.h folarte@gkaps ~ $ find include -name codecs.h -ls 1056338 44 -r--r--r-- 1 folarte folarte 44804 Aug 10 18:12 include/openh323/codecs.h
And the compilation command issued by yate seems correct:
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/folarte/src/yate/modules' g++ -Wall -I.. -I.. -O2 -fno-check-new -fno-exceptions -fPIC -DHAVE_GCC_FORMAT_CHECK -finline -Winline -export-dynamic -shared -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs -Wl,--retain-symbols-file,/dev/null -o h323chan.yate -DPHAS_TEMPLATES -D_REENTRANT -DP_HAS_SEMAPHORES -I/home/folarte/include/ptlib -I/home/folarte/include/openh323 h323chan.cpp -L/home/folarte/lib -lopenh323 -L/home/folarte/lib -lpt -L.. -lyate In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:289:31: error: ../include/codecs.h: No such file or directory In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/channels.h:190, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:290, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32:
Browsing cvs for h323caps.c I've found:
Revision 1.15 - (view) (download) (as text) (annotate) - [select for diffs] Fri Aug 21 04:35:47 2009 UTC (11 months, 2 weeks ago) by shorne Branch: MAIN Changes since 1.14: +4 -1 lines Diff to previous 1.14
Expressly reference codecs.h to avoid problems with windows SDK codecs.h
*** h323caps.h 2009/07/09 15:11:12 1.14 --- h323caps.h 2009/08/21 04:35:47 1.15 *************** *** 27,32 **** --- 27,35 ---- * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * $Log: h323caps.h,v $ + * Revision 1.15 2009/08/21 04:35:47 shorne + * Expressly reference codecs.h to avoid problems with windows SDK + codecs.h + * * Revision 1.14 2009/07/09 15:11:12 shorne * Simplfied and standardised compiler directives * *************** *** 274,280 **** #endif
! #include "codecs.h" #include "channels.h" #include "mediafmt.h"
--- 277,283 ---- #endif
! #include "../include/codecs.h" #include "channels.h" #include "mediafmt.h"
This may fix up problems in windows, but leads to a problem when using the installed version.
During make phase in h323 headers are $BASE/h323plus/include, but they get installed to $PREFIX/include/openh323, and become incorrect.
I don't know how to fix up these in windows, apart of renaming codecs.h to h323_codecs.h, but I thing reverting the fix should make it work again.
Making a symbolic link: folarte@gkaps ~/include $ ln -s openh323 include folarte@gkaps ~/include $ ls -l include lrwxrwxrwx 1 folarte folarte 8 Aug 10 19:32 include -> openh323
Makes it work again ( note it includes properly, warns later on):
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/folarte/src/yate/modules' g++ -Wall -I.. -I.. -O2 -fno-check-new -fno-exceptions -fPIC -DHAVE_GCC_FORMAT_CHECK -finline -Winline -export-dynamic -shared -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs -Wl,--retain-symbols-file,/dev/null -o h323chan.yate -DPHAS_TEMPLATES -D_REENTRANT -DP_HAS_SEMAPHORES -I/home/folarte/include/ptlib -I/home/folarte/include/openh323 h323chan.cpp -L/home/folarte/lib -lopenh323 -L/home/folarte/lib -lpt -L.. -lyate In file included from /home/folarte/include/openh323/../include/codecs.h:345, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323caps.h:289, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323con.h:555, from /home/folarte/include/openh323/h323.h:492, from h323chan.cpp:32: /home/folarte/include/ptlib/ptlib/object.h: In member function 'virtual PBoolean<unnamed>::YateH323_ExternalRTPChannel::InternalIsDescendant(c onst char*) const': /home/folarte/include/ptlib/ptlib/object.h:1107: warning: inlining failed in call to 'virtual PBoolean PObject::InternalIsDescendant(const char*) const': call is unlikely and code size would grow /home/folarte/include/openh323/channels.h:248: warning: called from here
but it's an horrible hack.
Regards. Francisco Olarte.
-- Jan Willamowius,,
-- Jan Willamowius,,
participants (3)
Francisco Olarte (M)
Jan Willamowius
Simon Horne