<http://www.packetizer.com/> http://www.h323.net/images/shared/pktzr_ur_logo.png Folks, First let me apologize for this very unusual message, but I would really very much appreciate your feedback and suggestions on this topic. Over the past year, I have seen an increase in the number of videoconferencing-related questions. Sometimes these questions are development-related (for which there are appropriate mailing lists), but more often lately I am getting a lot of end-user questions. I get questions like "how do I configure product X to talk to product Y" or "how can I get video working with product X" or "what is the best video camera for use with my software videophone?" I'm also now getting questions about using XMPP for audio and video communication, which is a fairly natural extension of the IM/presence standard. (In case you were not aware, Google Talk is using XMPP and Google worked to define the Jingle extensions that make this possible.) Unfortunately, I am unable to provide good answer to some of these questions, but I know others on these lists are. Collectively, I think we could answer any question sent our direction. And, keeping with the spirit of why Packetizer was created in the first place, I would really like to offer a place for people to go to get the needed answers to their problems. Even you might have some questions and would like to have a place to go ask. That said, you might feel differently. So, before I create an on-line discussion forum or create a mailing list, I would like to get your input. Should I create a discussion forum, mailing list, or neither? Obviously, if I create it, I would want people to register / sign-up to participate, else it would be pointless. If you feel like you would likely never bother with visiting this web site or subscribing to a mailing list, then I'd like to know that: say "neither". Since there are over 1,000 people on these mailing lists (just considering those on Packetizer - likely more on the H.323 Forum list), I decided to create a poll for my benefit and the benefit of others who are interested in this topic. So, please go cast your vote: http://www.micropoll.com/akira/mpview/646129-195628 Please go take the poll, but do not do a "reply all" and send messages back to everybody. If you do want to talk to me about this, though, feel free to reply to me privately. Kindest Regards, Paul E. Jones Rapportuer, ITU-T Q2/16, Q12/16