When we compile and install OpenH233 (1.24 or HEAD) with an installed version of PTLIB (2.10.1) both installed local on a user home dir we end with the following directory structure: $ ls -l ~/include total 48 drwxr-xr-x 9 gay gay 4096 Mar 26 16:55 openh323 -r--r--r-- 1 gay gay 21475 Feb 29 09:57 ptbuildopts.h drwxr-xr-x 2 gay gay 4096 Feb 29 09:57 ptclib drwxr-xr-x 3 gay gay 4096 Feb 29 09:57 ptlib -r--r--r-- 1 gay gay 4794 Feb 29 09:57 ptlib.h drwxr-xr-x 2 gay gay 4096 Mar 26 17:02 yate When we compila yate, which uses openh323, it includes openh323buildopts.h, which it finds in ~/include/openh323/openh323buildopts.h This file, in stock form, starts with: #ifndef _OPENH323_BUILDOPTS_H #define _OPENH323_BUILDOPTS_H #include <ptbuildopts.h> #include <ptlib/../../revision.h> #if PTLIB_MAJOR == 2 && PTLIB_MINOR < 10 #define PTLIB_VER ( PTLIB_MAJOR*100 + PTLIB_MINOR*10 + PTLIB_BUILD ) #else #define PTLIB_VER ( PTLIB_MAJOR*1000 + PTLIB_MINOR*10 + PTLIB_BUILD ) #endif #define PTLIB_SVN_REVISION SVN_REVISION which has two problems, the first one is the " #include <ptlib/../../revision.h> " which does not work ( it would resolve to ~/include/ptlib/../../revision.h => ~/revision.h ). It works when compiling against the uninstalled version of ptlib because it has a file ~/src/ptlib-2.10.1/revision.h ( we unpack in ~/src ). We solve the problem by zapping the offending include. The second, minor problem, is the "#define PTLIB_SVN_REVISION SVN_REVISION" which fails when zapping the include, we zap this too and it works. I think BOTH lines should be deleted, they seem like some kind of testing stuff. If we do it after installing every h323plus code we compile builds without any problem. Francisco Olarte.