Hi,Sir and Miss: I compile the plugin code H.264 and MPEG4-ffmpeg of opal-3.5.0.there are two problem. (BTW:#define LIBAVCODEC_VERSION 51.14.0) ============================================================ 1.For H.264. I compile successfuly and general h264-x264_pwplugin.dll,but both opalvoip and myphone2 can not find the plugin code.I debug the project "X264 H.264 Video Codec", <1>FFMPEGLibraryInstance.Load() successfully <2>H264EncCtxInstance.Load() successfully <3> *count = sizeof(h264CodecDefn) / sizeof(struct PluginCodec_Definition); I can get the *count = 2. In Myphone. the function "H323PluginCodecManager::RegisterCodecs(unsigned int count, void * _codecList)" also successfully.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what is up?why I can not find the plugin code h264?
============================================================ 2.For MPEG4 I compile successfuly and general ffmpegMpeg4_pwplugin.dll.and myphone2 also can find the plugin code. but <1>_avcodec = FFMPEGLibraryInstance.AvcodecFindDecoder(CODEC_ID_MPEG4): I find: _avcodec == NULL <2>_avcodec = FFMPEGLibraryInstance.AvcodecFindEncoder(CODEC_ID_MPEG4)) I find:_avcodec == NULL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what is up?who can help me?
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