Hi, I'm happy to announce that GNU Gatekeeper version 4.6 has just been released. This version has a few new features as well as bug fixes. New features: - least used routing: distribute calls evenly between gateways or MCUs (new switch [RasSrv::ARQFeatures] LeastUsedRouting=1) - ability to log to the Unix syslog instead of the trace file (new switch [LogFile] TraceToSyslog=1) - new authentication module TwoAliasAuth this is not very safe, but you can use it with endpoints that do not support any password transmission - new switch [CTI::MakeCall] Bandwidth= to set the maximum bandwidth for the calls generated by the GnuGk status port API - status port command: UnregisterEP <ep-id> - a number of switches to fine tune TCP keepalives - new switch to remove load balancers from the call path ([RoutedMode] RedirectCallsToGkIP=1) Bug fixes: - fixed TCP keepalive for H.460 calls - fixes to port detection for unregistered calls - audio fix when GnuGk adds encryption to calls - many smaller fixes You can download the new version from https://www.gnugk.org/h323download.html Please see the full change log below. Changes from 4.5 to 4.6 ======================= - new switch: [RoutedMode] RedirectCallsToGkIP=1 - new switches: [RoutedMode] H460KeepAliveMethodH225=, H460KeepAliveMethodH245=, GnuGkTcpKeepAliveMethodH225=, GnuGkTcpKeepAliveMethodH245= - BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) TCP keep-alives for H.460.18 calls weren't always enabled correctly - don't open a status port listener if [Gatekeeper::Main] StatusPort=0 - BUGFIX(Toolkit.cxx) remove trailing chars before checking for DefaultDomain - add callID to H.245 trace messages for easier debugging - BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) forward ReleaseComplete from remaining party while doing call reroute - BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) drop un-en/decryptable RTP packets at end of call when adding encryption - new status port command: UnregisterEP <ep-id> - BUGFIX(RasSrv.cxx) remove IPv6 addresses before processing RRQs when IPv6 is not enabled - send Facility message as as non-H.460.18 keep-alive for H.225 - send non-standard H.245 userIndication as non-H.460.18 keep-alive for H.245 - new switch [RoutedMode] DisableGnuGkH245TcpKeepAlive=1 - new switch [LogFile] TraceToSyslog=1 to send trace output to syslog (Unix only) - BUGFIX(ProxyChannel.cxx) fix port detection for re-opened channels with IgnoreSignaledIPs=1 - new switch [CTI::MakeCall] Bandwidth= to set the maximum bandwidth for the call - new switch [RasSrv::ARQFeatures] LeastUsedRouting=1 to select the least used gateway - new authentication module TwoAliasAuth -- Jan Willamowius, Founder of the GNU Gatekeeper Project EMail : jan@willamowius.de Website: https://www.gnugk.org Support: https://www.willamowius.com/gnugk-support.html Relaxed Communications GmbH Frahmredder 91 22393 Hamburg Geschäftsführer: Jan Willamowius HRB 125261 (Amtsgericht Hamburg) USt-IdNr: DE286003584
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Jan Willamowius