Have a look at simple example program. Use �Ck to enable H.460.17 registration. (Tunneling registration over TCP rather then UDP) Tunneling media over TCP rather then UDP is enabled by default and support is signaled by the gatekeeper. Use --h46026disable=1 to turn the feature off. Setting up the gatekeeper. http://www.gnugk.org/gnugk-manual-5.html#ss5.1 [RoutedMode] EnableH46017=1 EnableH46026=1 Simon From: h323implementers [mailto:h323implementers-bounces@lists.packetizer.com] On Behalf Of ???-??????? Sent: Friday, May 27, 2016 12:41 PM To: h323implementers <h323implementers@lists.packetizer.com> Subject: [h323implementers] �ظ��� hi thanks you , but i am using h323plus 1.26.0 now. and i find the way to send data by default is UDP, how to set it to TCP and There is no detailed instructions for use. ------------------ ԭʼ�ʼ� ------------------ ������: "Robert Jongbloed";<robertj@voxlucida.com.au <mailto:robertj@voxlucida.com.au> >; ����ʱ��: 2016��5��26��(������) ����6:31 �ռ���: "h323implementers"<h323implementers-bounces@lists.packetizer.com <mailto:h323implementers-bounces@lists.packetizer.com> >; "h323implementers"<h323implementers@lists.packetizer.com <mailto:h323implementers@lists.packetizer.com> >; ����: Re: [h323implementers] hi If you really are using openh323, it has not been active for many years now. You should use either H323Plus or OPAL voip depending on your needs. ---------- Robert Jongbloed Vox Lucida Pty. Ltd. -----Original message----- From: �±���-��������Ϣ�Ƽ� Sent: Thursday, 26th May 2016, 19:40 To: h323implementers Subject: [h323implementers] hi hi is it a bug of OpenH323? i have a problem in using openh323, in the OpenH323 transmission channel, i am send more than 65K of the size of the data, it will not be sent out.