Dear community, GNU Gatekeeper version 5.10 has been released. This a bug fix release with no new features. Download: https://www.gnugk.org/h323download.html Bug fixes: - fix a crash when handling the MasterSlaveDetermination message - fix the documentation of [RasSrv::LRQFeatures] NeighborTimeout and consistently treat the value as 10th of a second in the program Regards, Jan PS: The H323plus mailinglist was down the last few weeks. If you tried to post, please re-send your posting! -- Jan Willamowius, Founder of the GNU Gatekeeper Project EMail : jan@willamowius.de Website: https://www.gnugk.org Support: https://www.willamowius.com/gnugk-support.html Relaxed Communications GmbH c/o Jan Willamowius, Buchsbaumweg 4, 22299 Hamburg, Germany Geschäftsführer: Jan Willamowius HRB 125261 (Amtsgericht Hamburg) USt-IdNr: DE286003584