* Users can check whether they know the correct password for a file without bulk decrypting it.
I can appreciate why one might want to do that, but I believe you said you created this as a separate context menu? Wouldn't it be better to just have a checkbox on the dialog window? My context menu is already huge. :)
* Users can optionally verify the built-in integrity of the file without writing out the plaintext.
Is that different than the first bullet?
* Progress bar dialog is now hidden when an exception takes place, solving the problem of continued progress bar animation underneath an error or informational dialog.
Is this a problem with the current behavior? I've never had this issue, but perhaps I never did anything to cause it to break :)
* Internally, the "encrypt/decrypt" bool which is passed around has been replaced by a four-valued action enum, including in the DLL API.
I didn't look through all of the diffs, but... what are the 4 values now?
* The aescrypt command line executable which invokes the DLL supports a few extra options to test the new actions.
Note the executable was written just to support double-clicking on a .aes file. That's a bit unfortunate and if there is a better solution, I'd like to hear it. BTW, I did mention I will not have time to work on this code for a while. At least for the next few weeks, I have no time. But, I would like to more carefully look at what you changed. Can you send me privately the set of files changed so I can look at the changes in context? If you'll be making more changes, just wait. No point sending stuff to me until I'm ready to look at it. I have a laundry list of things to do for AES Crypt, including some work on the Linux code, and I'd rather do it all when I have a few days to focus on it. Paul