AAP Last Call Results

okubo at MXZ.MESH.NE.JP okubo at MXZ.MESH.NE.JP
Tue Jul 15 23:20:15 EDT 2003

To    Experts of ITU-T SG16 Questions D, F, G, 2, 3, 4 and 5/16

Cc    Mr. P-A. Probst, Chairman of SG16 <probst-pa at bluewin.ch>
      Mr. S. Campos-Neto, ITU TSB <simao.campos at itu.int>
      Jean-Pierre Blin, France Telecom <jeanpierre.blin at francetelecom.com>
      Claude Hervault, France Telecom <claude.hervault at francetelecom.com>

De    M Buckley    Rapporteur for Q.F/16 <mikebuckley at 44comms.com>
      M Euchner    Rapporteur for Q.G/16 <Martin.Euchner at siemens.com>
      P Jones      Rapporteur for Q.2/16 <paulej at packetizer.com>
      C Groves     Rapporteur for Q.3/16 <Christian.Groves at ericsson.com.au>
      S Okubo      Rapporteur for Q.4/16 <sokubo at waseda.jp>
      E Horvath    Rapporteur for Q.5/16 <ernst.horvath at siemens.com>

   Subject: Notice of Joint Rapporteur Meeting in Paris, France
   Date:    10 July 2002

Dear experts of Questions D, F, G, 2-5/16,

The subject meeting of ITU-T SG16 experts will be held in Paris,
France at the kind invitation of France Telecom.  Details of the
meeting are contained herein.

1. Date

    02 (Tuesday) - 05 (Friday) September 2003
    Meeting will start at 9:00 AM on the first day
    Closing around 18:00 on the final day

2. Venue

    France Telecom
    Salle Orange
    8-10, Bd de Vaugirard
    75015 Paris 
    Tel: +33 1 66 66 71 33 (during the meeting only)

3. Topics (tentative)

1) Review of the relevant group activities

2) Q.D/16 Interoperability of Multimedia Systems and Services

    - Develop roadmap for future activity on interoperability
    - Progress work on vocabulary
    - Cooperate in the development of recommendations on systems

3) Q.F/16 Quality of Service and End-to-end Performance in Multimedia Systems

    - Progress work for:
        * H.qos.arch
        * Annex N H.323
        * H.priority

4) Q.G/16 Security of Multimedia Systems and Services

    - Progress work for:
        * H.235 Annex G
        * H.235 Annex H

5) Q.2/16 Multimedia over packet networks using H.323 systems

    - Progress work for:
        * H.460.tppr
        * Annex I/H.323
        * Annex N/H.323
        * H.460.suspend
        * H.sms
        * H.460.holding
        * H.460.cpc
        * H.460.delayed
        * H.presence
        * H.460.mlpp

6) Q.3/16 Infrastructure and interoperability for Multimedia over
          packet networks

    - Progress work for:
        * H.248.1 Annex F
        * H.248 ICAS
        * H.248 ICASC
        * H.248 AJB
        * H.341v2

7) Q.4/16 Video and data conferencing using Internet-supported services

    - Further development of H.350-series
    - Describe new service scenarios
    - Elaborate workplan

8) Q.5/16 Mobility for Multimedia Systems and Services

    - Progress work for:
        * H.500
        * H.550
        * H.520
        * H.560

9) Interaction with other groups

10) Future work plan

    - Elaborate Question texts

4. Documents

 /// Registration of the document: by 23:59 UTC, 22 August 2003 ///
 /// Distribution of the document: by 23:59 UTC, 26 August 2003 ///
 /// Use the ftp site (or e-mail reflector) for distribution    ///

1)     When you are going to submit a document, please notify
       Sakae Okubo <sokubo at waseda.jp>, document manager of this
       meeting, as soon as possible, by 23:59 UTC, Friday 22 August 2003
       at the latest. Document number AVD-nnnn will be allocated. Early
       indication of your submission plan is welcome and encouraged.

Note - Prefix "AVD" comes from Audio, Video and Data.

2)     You are advised to include a header as follows:

|                                                                  |
| ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector  Document AVD-{nnnn}|
| Study Group 16                            {Version m if relevant}|
| Q.D, F, G, 2-5/16 Rapporteur Meeting                       {Date}|
| Paris, 2-5 September 2003                                        |
|                                                                  |
| SOURCE*: {                                               }       |
| TITLE  : {                                               }       |
| PURPOSE: {Proposal, Discussion, Information, Report, etc.}       |
|                                                                  |
|                       _________________________                  |
|                                                                  |
|                                                                  |
|                                                                  |
|  *Contact: Name, e-mail                                          |

3)     All the contributors are requested to distribute their documents
       as early as possible, at least 7 calendar days in advance of the
       meeting (23:59 UTC, Tuesday 26 August 2003 or before) by posting
       them at either of the following:

  - Uploading via FTP
        Site:     ftp3.itu.int/
        User ID:  avguest
        Password: Avguest  (Note the uppercase 'A')
        Directory: avc-site/Incoming

  - E-mail reflector

        E-mail address: itu-sg16 at external.cisco.com
        To subscribe:
            Send e-mail to majordomo at cisco.com
            In the body of the message, put: subscribe itu-sg16

Please avoid the use of reflector when your document is voluminous.

4)     Input documents can be retrieved from /0309_Par directory of the
       ftp site once Mr. Okubo has an opportunity to put them into place.

       The documents will also be available through this URL:

5)     The document distribution / presentation at the meeting will be all
       electronic.  Participants must bring along a laptop, Ethernet
       card, and Ethernet cable in order to access the documents.
       Wireless 802.11b access will also be available during the meeting.

5. Logistic information

The meeting will be hosted by France Telecom in Paris, France.

Please refer to the meeting invitation document kindly prepared by
the host available at:

6. Registration

To register your meeting attendance, please send the meeting
registration form provided by the host in the invitation document
to Claude Hervault <claude.hervault at francetelecom.com>.

7. Hotel Room Reservation

As indicated the the inviation document from the meeting host, please
make hotel arrangements directly with one of the reserved for this meeting.
Note that hotel reservations should be made before 3 August 2003.
You may find that hotel rooms will be more scarce and more expensive
if not booked in advance, due to other meetings being held in Paris in

We are looking forward to meeting with you in Paris.

     Sincerely yours,

     Mike BUCKLEY
     Martin EUCHNER
     Paul JONES (meeting manager of this meeting)
     Christian GROVES
     Sakae OKUBO (document manager of this meeting)
     Ernst HORVATH


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