AW: test conditions provided

Baese Gero Gero.X.Baese at MCHP.SIEMENS.DE
Mon Oct 23 05:27:21 EDT 2000

Dear experts and Mr. Li,

thank you for your suggestions to further improve the
testing conditions.

> (1) Video codec
> Profile 3 - H.263v2 Interactive and Streaming Wireless Profile
> Profile 4 - H.263v3 Interactive and Streaming Wireless Profile

It makes a lot of sense to incorporate both of the wireless profiles.
There is no problem to remove Annex O from the list as well.

> (2) Lower layer testing condition

If you read the test conditions carefully you will see
we nowhere propose to implement the whole protocol stack.

Instead we are using a model with two parameters to keep it
uncomplex but realistic. These two parameters are the loss rate
of the radio frame and the length of it.
Acting on our suggestion makes it easy to generate comparable
results quickly.

Furthermore, the situation is not as simple as you depicted it.
It is not sufficient to only use the frame loss rate p because
there is a strong dependency on the length as well. Therefore we
proposed the described model.

Again, everybody interested in this work is requested to contribute
with questions, comments and suggestions.

Best Wishes
Gero Baese

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