MPEG-4 elementary streams in H.323

Gary Sullivan garysull at MICROSOFT.COM
Thu Oct 26 16:50:16 EDT 2000

ITU-T Systems and Video Experts,

I am at an MPEG meeting in France.  There has been a lot of recent
discussion here and in the IETF on how to carry MPEG-4 data on IP
networks.  I was asked by some MPEG participants to help explain
and understand the impact of this work on ITU-T SG16.

My understanding is that the H.323 community has been expecting
an IETF RFC with Proposed Standard status to be approved prior
to the November SG16 meeting sufficient to specify an RTP
packetization format for use in H.323 systems to carry MPEG-4
video (and perhaps audio) elementary streams.

However, there are some discussions here at MPEG about how to ensure
that any such specification is adequate not only for the needs of H.323
but also for MPEG-4 systems as well.

As a result, it appears that MPEG is poised to recommend tomorrow
that the current Kikuchi-san Internet Draft not be promoted to
Proposed Standard RFC status in the IETF.  This seems to mean
that we are unlikely to be able to reach Decision status for this
feature in H.323 in November in SG16.

The SG16 community needs to understand this unfortunate situation
and its impact on the progress of work for the SG 16 meeting in November.

Best Wishes,

Gary Sullivan

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