APC-1869 corrupted ?

Euchner Martin Martin.Euchner at MCHP.SIEMENS.DE
Tue May 9 07:56:05 EDT 2000

To the author of APC-1869,

I was not able to successfully open APC-1869.zip. When I try to open it, my
WinZip constantly reports an error (missing 2 bytes,... , it does not appear
to be valid archive) even when I had reloaded the zip- file once again from
the Incoming directory.

Would you please send me a correct version or make sure that the uploaded
zip-file is not corrupted? Thank you.

Kind regards,

Martin Euchner.
| Dipl.-Inf.                     Phone: +49 89 636-46201
| Martin Euchner                 Fax  : +49 89 636-48000
| Siemens AG
| ZT IK 3                        mailto:Martin.Euchner at mchp.siemens.de
|                                mailto:martin.euchner at ties.itu.int
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| D-81730 Muenchen               Internet: http://www.siemens.de
| __________________
| Germany

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