TD-50/Osaka - Changes to the conferenceGoal field

Callaghan, Robert Robert.Callaghan at ICN.SIEMENS.COM
Tue Jun 20 09:53:20 EDT 2000


I agree that a v4 client that supports packages and further supports a
specific feature will respond.  My comment is in regard to the generation of
a negative message indicating that the feature is not support.  If a v4
client supports packages but not a feature, it will resond with a negative
message.  However if the v4 client does not support packages, it will not
respond at all.  This is worse that the v2 or v3 clients if the change in
conferceGoals is made.  Therefor, my idea is that the change in
conferenceGoal is not needed because than the v2, v3, and some v4 clients
will work the same.  This allows the addition of coding of package
information to be anywhere other than conferenceGoal.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Bowen [mailto:rkbowen at]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 3:20 AM
To: Callaghan, Robert
Cc: 'Mailing list for parties associated with ITU-T Study Group 16'
Subject: Re: TD-50/Osaka - Changes to the conferenceGoal field


If the v4 client supports the features listed in the needFeatures field,
then it will respond with those same features listed in a
supportedFeatures field, as an acknowledgement.  Presumably if it
acknowledges features in this way, then it will not ignore packages
related to those features.


"Callaghan, Robert" wrote:
> Rich,
> I question that the concept for forcing conferenceGoal to fail will even
> work.
> The use of conferenceGoal will detect a v2 or v3 client through a failure.
> But the version number will also detect the older versions.  A v4 client
> properly detect and decode the new structure.  However, support of
> is optional, so the client can ignore the requirement to evaluate the
> packages.
> Then what?
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rich Bowen [mailto:rkbowen at CISCO.COM]
> Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 5:14 PM
> To: ITU-SG16 at
> Subject: TD-50/Osaka - Changes to the conferenceGoal field
> All,
> In Osaka we agreed to add support for packages to H.225.0 along the
> lines of TD-50 (
> There was some concern raised about the proposed modifications to the
> conferenceGoal field in the Setup message.  The meeting report states:
> "Some issues were raised about conflicts in the usage of the conference
> goal field between this new method and H.450.x.  A possible solution is
> to create a new field in the ASN.1 to avoid conflicts.   The editors are
> empowered to work with interested parties to resolve these conflicts in
> the ASN.1 before the white paper is issued."
> The modification proposed in TD-50 was the addition of the
> "neededFeatures" field to the confereceGoal field of the Setup-UUIE:
>         conferenceGoal          CHOICE
>         {
>                 create          NULL,
>                 join            NULL,
>                 invite          NULL,
>                 ...,
>                 capability-negotiation          NULL,
>                 callIndependentSupplementaryService     NULL,
> -->             neededFeatures          NeededFeatureGoal
>         },
> where the NeededFeatureGoal structure is defined as:
> NeededFeatureGoal ::= SEQUENCE
> {
>         basicGoal       CHOICE
>         {
>                 create                                  NULL,
>                 join                                    NULL,
>                 invite                                  NULL,
>                 capability-negotiation                  NULL,
>                 callIndependentSupplementaryService     NULL,
>                 ...
>         } OPTIONAL,
>         features        SEQUENCE OF SupportedFeatures,
>         ...
> }
> An alternative approach would be to add a neededFeatures field at the
> highest level of the Setup-UUIE ASN.1 instead of inside the
> conferenceGoal structure, similar to the way the desirededFeatures and
> supportedFeatures fields will be added (see TD-50), like this:
> {
>         [snip]
> -->     neededFeatures          SEQUENCE OF SupportedFeatures OPTIONAL,
>         desiredFeatures         SEQUENCE OF SupportedFeatures OPTIONAL,
>         supportedFeatures       SEQUENCE OF SupportedFeatures OPTIONAL
> }
> The motivation for adding neededFeatures to the conferenceGoal field was
> to force a call failure when trying to setup a call to pre-v4 endpoint
> and there is some v4 or later feature that is *required* for the call.
> The mechanism is intended to work like this:
> o The v4 EP sends Setup to the pre-v4 endpoint, and specifies some
> required feature in the neededFeatures field of the conferenceGoal.
> o The pre-v4 EP doesn't recognize the neededFeatures field as a
> supported CHOICE for a conferenceGoal, so it sends Release Complete.
> There would not be any conflicts with H.450, as suggested in the meeting
> report, because if the callIndependentSupplementaryService was needed,
> it would still be specified.  The difference is that, if a neededFeature
> was also required, the H.450 goals would be specified inside the
> NeededFeatureGoal structure, which v4 and later endpoints would be aware
> of.
> These are the pros and cons of adding neededFeatures to the
> conferenceGoal vs. adding it to Setup-UUIE, IMO:
> o Advantages:
>     - *May* force an early call release if a required feature is
>       not supported by a pre-v4 endpoint.
> o Disadvantages:
>     - ASN.1 and thus implementation would be more complex.
>       Potentially have to check the conferenceGoal in two structures
>       instead of one.
>     - If pre-v4 EP sends Release Complete, there is no way to
>       know whether it was sent because of an unrecognized
>       conferenceGoal, because there is no ReleaseCompleteReason
>       defined for that purpose.
>     - H.323 does not require failing a call if the conferenceGoal
>       is unrecognized, so the mechanism may not work at all.
> Although I think this mechanism is a good idea (and I supported it in
> Osaka), at this point I don't think it would work reliably enough to
> justify the added complexity.  So I would prefer the alternative
> approach described above, adding the neededFeatures field directly to
> the Setup-UUIE.
> Okay, fire away. :-)
> Regards,
> Rich
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Richard K. Bowen                     Cisco Systems, Inc.
> VoIP Session Protocols               Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Richard K. Bowen                     Cisco Systems, Inc.
VoIP Session Protocols               Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

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