Address Change Assistance Required

Matthew Sickles msickles at NORTELNETWORKS.COM
Fri Jul 30 15:42:00 EDT 1999

> Paul,
> Okay, but what if the EP does not indicate that it has this capability?
> 7.9.2/H.225.0v3 currently says that the EP _shall_ use an unreliable channel
> if in receipt of an RCF with useAnnexECallSignalling set to TRUE. Period.
> Regardless of whether the endpoint indicated the capability in its RRQ. The
> following would eliminate the ambiguity and possible misunderstanding:
> 7.9.2/H.225.0v3: "useAnnexECallSignalling - If TRUE and
> supportsAnnexECallSignalling was set to TRUE in the RRQ to which this
> message is in response, the endpoint receiving this message shall use call
> signaling exclusively on an unreliable transport channel as described in
> H.323 Annex E when placing calls."

   Doesn't it mean that Gk can not adopt direct call routed model between
   endpoints. Consider when the remote endpoint is not Annex E Compliant.
   Now Ep1 sends call signalling messages *only* over
   UDP (after receiving useAnnexECallSignalling = TRUE in RCF). This direct
   routed call will not go through as Ep2 is not Annex E compliant.

   Should Ep1 look into the callModel in ACF to figure out if it is
   Gk/direct routed call. If Gk routed and useAnnexECallSig = TRUE,
   do only UDP call signalling, and if direct routed, use Annex E
   Mixed TCP and UDP procedures ?


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