question about video conferencing over a LAN

Amr Ibrahim mocscc at
Thu Oct 22 18:52:41 EDT 1998

i'm so sorry for bothering any body but if this subject concern you or
you interested
in help please do.
we are students in the faculty of engineering (communication and
electroniscs dep.)in
the last year and we are doing now our final project
it is about video conferencing over a LAN and we ant to help us in this
1. any refrences such as books (name the book and author) , technical
our tutorial
sites , if you have any magazines not commercial one
2.what are the future trends and the present projects done with students
3.what is the best programming language to use (interface with desktop
/interface with
audio and video cards and cameras)
4.prices of of interface network cards ,cameras(what best fit parallel
port or TV
5.what is the best compression used in audio and video (please give us
tutorial or
6.what is the protocols used over a LAN to adopt video and video
7.if there is any demos or shareware products please tell us
 if there is anyhting i forget or you want to help us in this project
please inform us
and please don't hesitate in helping us we are really confused and don't
know from
where to start
thanks very much for reading this  please reply as soon as possible

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