Clock Skews in H.235

Lior Moscovici Lior_Moscovici at VOCALTEC.COM
Tue Jan 27 06:04:39 EST 1998

Subscription-based authentication mechanisms described in 10.3 in H.235
assume a common reliable source of time stamps to be included in the token.
The validator accepts a limited difference between the timestamp included
in the token and the current time. For unaccepted time diffs, it might be
to convey the time diff itself to the party that sent the token, so that it
can regulate the skew, and generate a new token with the correct time.

We propose to include the time diff in a ClearToken sent along with the xRJ
with the SecurityDenial reason. The clear token should contain the time
diff in the TimeStamp field, and the ID of the party that generaied the


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