Draft WP2 workplna for Jan-Feb meeting

Sakae Okubo okubo at GCTECH.CO.JP
Thu Nov 27 01:11:07 EST 1997

/// Attachment has been replaced with the text version.  Thank you ///
/// Meesrs. Kawahara and Haskell for your advice.                  ///

Dear Q.12-14/16 experts,

Attached please find Mr. Tosco's initial draft of the coming WP2/16
meeting starting 26 January 1998.  Mr. DeGrasse kindly converted Mr.
Tosco's fax message into a Word document to which I added the topics
of joint sessions as notes.

This plan will be finalized after reflecting Rapporteurs' comments and
negotiating with WP1 and WP3.

Best regards,

Sakae OKUBO (Mr.)
Graphics Communication Laboratories       Phone:  +81 3 5351 0181
6F ANNEX TOSHIN BLDG.                     Fax:    +81 3 5351 0184
4-36-19 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo         e-mail: okubo at gctech.co.jp
151 Japan


Date     AM Schedule        PM Schedule

26 - Mon SG16 Plenary       WP2 Plenary

27 - Tue Q11, Q12, Q13      SG 16 Plenary

28 - Wed Q3, Q11, Q12, Q13  Q3, Q11, Q12, Q13

29 - Thr Q1, Q3, Q11,       Q1, Q3, Q11, (Q12,13,14)#1

30 - Fri Q1, Q11,           Q1, (Q3,12,13,14)#3 ! Q1,
*        (Q3,12,13,14)#2                        ! (Q11,12,13)#4

2 - Mon  Q1, Q3,            Q1, Q3,             ! Q1, Q3,
*        (Q11,12,13,14)#5   (Q11,12,13,14,15)#6 !(Q11,15)#7

3 - Tue  Q2, Q11, Q12, Q14  Empty

4 - Wed  WP2 Plenary        WP2 Plenary

5 - Thr  empty              SG16 Plenary

6 - Fri  SG16 Plenary       SG16 Plenary


*30 Fri and 2 Mon have split PM Schedules.
(Qxx, Qyy) - Questions in parentheses meet in joint session.
#1 - H.235V2, H.MediaMIB, T.130/H.AVC
#2 - T.120 series Audio/Video requirements
#3 - T.120 security, first 1/4 day in the afternoon
#4 - Discussion of future directions, last 1/4 day in the
#5 - Conference control, H.245V4, H.246 addition and other
     common protocols
#6 - Video issues, first 1/4 day in the afternoon
#7 - Future direction of advance video as it relates to
H.324L, last 1/4 day in the afternoon

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